OT: Bridge to Terabithia remake for geeks

Apr 17, 2008
Updated • Dec 6, 2012

Are you a fan of "Bridge to Terabithia" movie? Are you fond of IT stuff? Both? Then check this out. None? Then check it out too, you might come to like it anyway.

I loved that movie when I saw it and I still do. It even made me ignore my lack of talent and draw (yes, on a real paper, using my very own clumsy hands!) a picture, which is fairly untypical of me and hardly ever found in my regular schedule. Having had my own computer out of order for some time now, I had lots of time to spend on a homework we got in school - writing an English essay that would resemble a classic fairy-tale.

I meant it to be inspired by the movie from the very beginning but still wanted to make it somehow original. Then I got a few ideas on how to adapt the basic story to the IT environment and internet culture and thought that those ideas weren't that bad after all. After one whole afternoon spent on writing (again, on a real paper instead of word processor canvas), I came up with something that may not be exactly called "art" but I still liked it myself and wanted to share it with the web community. Though, I do recommend watching the movie first, if possible.. no, I'm not adding a torrent link here.

Link: Gate to the Net - Bridge to Terabithia for Geeks via Scribd.com


The excellent and beautiful movie "Bridge to Terabithia" inspired me to write this remake as a school essay. Specially designed for people with a slight insight into the technology world and internet stuff.

System requirements:
Fantasy Unlimited 2.0
Friendship Understanding 2008
Emotion Extension Pack Free
+ Technical Inaccuracy Ignorance Engine

If you happen to like it, I'd appreciate another digg.


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  1. Tobey said on April 17, 2008 at 11:50 pm

    Heh, thanks, glad you liked it :D

    As mentioned, it’s not technically accurate but after all – it’s an essay, not a manual :)

    Good luck w/ your finals.

  2. Angelo R said on April 17, 2008 at 8:19 pm

    Oh man, I stumbled across this when I should I been studying for my Java final and couldn’t help reading it all. It’s actually quite amusing, although I think my Technical Inaccuracy Ignorance Engine is out of date ;)

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