Baywords blogger's Tortuga ?
The Pirate Bay was never shy to defend free speech and have continuously expanded their services into other areas, picture hosting to name one service. It's a rather unique stance in a world that is dominated by money and lawyers that send takedown notices by the dozen each day. The newest coup is a a paradise for bloggers, or shall I say a new Tortuga for bloggers. It's basically a blog hosting website where everything goes as long as it is not against Swedish Laws who happen to be relatively moderate in comparison to other countries in this world.
The blog you setup will be defended by the Pirate Bay guys which is a rather comforting thought in a world where site are shutdown because they link to a site that links to a site with illegal content, or where site owners are sued for embedding videos hosted on YouTube. Baywords has opened, that's the name of their blog hosting service by the way. Baywords is based on WordPress which happens to be my blogging plattform of choice as well.
It's rather minimalistic right now but the admins are promising to add heaps of new features in the future. Most bloggers can import their blogs to Baywords which is a great feature I think. I don't think that the service will ever be part of the mass market with millions of blogs but it will surely find lots of users who take their free speech rights seriously.
Update: When you try to load the Baywords website right now, you will receive an unable to connect connection error. It appears as if the service has been shut down after all. It is not clear why, and whether it was due to legal pressure, lack of public interested, or a disinterest in the service from side of the Pirate Bay staff.