We Heart It

Martin Brinkmann
Apr 7, 2008
Updated • Dec 20, 2012
Image, Internet

We Heart It is a social bookmarking tool for pictures and videos, kinda a specialized version of Delicious that displays the images as thumbnails directly. The whole system is tags based which means that every user who adds images or videos should make sure to add at least one tag to the upload so that every one using the site can find it more easily. The site can be explored by clicking on tags in the tag cloud or by clicking on a avatar to discover the findings of a specific user.

Every registered user can add tags to images and take a look at the users who have hearted the image already. A click on an image opens a detailed view of it that includes a link to the source and an opportunity to leave a comment. The thing that's missing is definitely a site search.While you can click on tags to be taken to all results for that particular tag, you can't search for tags that are not displayed directly on the site.

The site is offering a bookmarklet that can be used to add images to We Heart It account. The bookmarklet is working in Firefox and Opera but not Internet Explorer. It works by pressing it when you are on a page with an image that you want to add to the website. The I Heart It symbol appears next to the image and it is added by pressing it again.

I think it's a nice website for exploring images and finding sources for new images. I personally would not want to use it to store - or how they say bookmark - images that I like.

Update: The site is now featuring a search that you can use to explore the site in depth. What makes this interesting is that it is really a lot like Pinterest, only that the latter did really take off in a short period of time while this one did reach similar popularity levels.


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  1. Transcontinental said on April 8, 2008 at 7:12 pm

    Frankly, I just cannot bear “social bookmarking tools” any longer, as well in fact as all “social”, community websites, tools or whatever. This fashion is becoming hysterical, like sheep when dogs bark! Every day arises a new “community”, for this, for that… are we becoming robots?

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