Adobe Multi-touch Interface Presentation

Martin Brinkmann
Apr 22, 2007
Updated • Jun 13, 2013

If you thought that the last Multi-touch technology videos that I have been showing here on Ghacks has been cool then you should see this one. This one is a presentation by Jeff Han who is a research scientist for NYU's Media Research Lab during TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) 2006.

Jeff Han describes the technology in the following way: "Our technique is force-sensitive, and provides unprecedented resolution and scalability, allowing us to create sophisticated multi-point widgets for applications large enough to accommodate both hands and multiple users."

Note that the demonstration has been recorded in 2006. It is now six years later and touch technology has come a long way since then. Smaller tablet and handheld devices now support multi-touch input as well which brings them closer to what Jeff demonstrated in the video six years ago.

The video may not look as impressive today as it was back in 2006 when it was recorded, so keep that in mind. Technology has come a long way since then and it seems to finally have caught up with most what has been demonstrated by Han back in 2006.

To give you one example: Microsoft's Surface Pro running on Windows 8 Pro supports a ten-point touch interface which means that it can distinguish between ten touch points on the device's panel at the same time.

Previously touch devices were limited to single touch points only. Multi-touch points using one hand were then really common, and now it is no problem anymore to use both hands for different activities on touch panels like the one used by Microsoft.

It is rather interesting - I think - that the technology has been demonstrated back in 2006 for the first time. That's a six year time span between the demonstration and first tablet devices that provide a similar level of functionality.


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  1. lenny said on April 22, 2007 at 1:14 pm

    yeah this was on a show here in Australia called beyond very impressive and apparently vey cheap ..$100us

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