Top 5 Plugins for Spamihilator

Martin Brinkmann
May 12, 2007
Updated • Mar 16, 2014

I have used the anti-spam software Spamihilator back when I used Opera's Mail client to access my email accounts.

Spamihilator sits between your mail program and the Internet mail server to scan all incoming emails to flag inappropriate ones as spam.

Spam mails will not be send to the mail client but remain in Spamihilator where you can delete them or mark them as false positives so that they turn up in the email client after all. One great feature of Spamihilator is that you can install plugins that add functionality to the application.

Some plugins add specialized spam filters which is a great way of keeping spam messages from reaching your inbox.


Other add statistics for instance that give you a better overview of the spam that has been filtered out so far. I'm not using Spamihilator anymore because I made the switch to Thunderbird which ships with its own set of anti-spam filters.

  • A Blacklist Filter - This plugin checks mail messages against public blacklists. [obsolete, does not work anymore with the latest version of the program]
  • Attachment Extensions Filter - Ability to block mails with attachments that have certain file extensions automatically
  • HTML Links Filter - blocks mails that contain to many links or urls
  • Misnamed filter - Blocks mail that is addressed to another name. So, mail saying Hello Robert will be moved to spam if your name is not Robert.
  • Mystic Signs Filter - Filters out mails that try to obscure words by integrating special chars into them.

Update: Spamihilator is still regularly updated about one to three times a year. The site lists more than 40 different plugins as of today for the anti-spam software which can improve the software's functionality significantly.

While I'm personally fine with the spam protection the Thunderbird email client offers, you may want to consider installing the spam filter on top of it or as your first line of defense if the program you are using has no anti-spam filters of its own. This way mail has to go through at least one filter, maybe two, before it reaches the inbox.

Five Plugins for anti-spam software Spamihilator
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Five Plugins for anti-spam software Spamihilator
A list of plugins for the anti-spam software Spamihilator that expand the program's functionality.

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  1. Gatzet said on May 13, 2007 at 8:25 am

    Since I use gmail for my mail account I never worried of spam. I use opera as email client though but obviously it relies on gmail anti spam algorithm. So far no big problems.

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