Microsoft configures Windows Copilot to launch automatically on certain setups

Soon, Windows users who start their PCs may be greeted by Windows Copilot's interface when the system loads the desktop. Microsoft released a new build to the Dev channel that tests the feature on certain setups.
Announced yesterday on the Windows Insider Blog, the new feature configures Copilot to launch automatically on Windows start. Microsoft limits the test to devices with widescreen monitors at the time.
Here is Microsoft's full announcement: "We are trying out opening Copilot automatically when Windows starts on widescreen devices with some Windows Insiders in the Dev Channel. This can be managed via Settings > Personalization > Copilot. Note that this is rolling out so not all Insiders in the Dev Channel will see this right away."
Good news is that users may disable the autostart of Windows Copilot on their devices. Bad news is that the feature is enabled by default and needs to be deactivated manually by users. Even worse is the fact that you can't control the behavior via Task Manager > Startup apps, but need to find the new Copilot preference in Settings to do so.
Microsoft continues its habit of -- almost -- hiding certain preferences on Windows by introducing new locations for them instead of using traditional ones.
To toggle the functionality, open Start > Settings and go to Personalization > Copilot in Windows. There you find "Open Copilot when Windows starts". Just toggle the feature to off to disable it.
Note that you may also disable Copilot in Windows completely, which will also block it from auto starting with Windows.
Microsoft does not explain why it decided to integrate the autostart of Copilot in Windows. The change will get more eyes on the AI tool, which Microsoft is pushing into many of its products at the time. Even Notepad is getting an AI component and there seems to be no end to AI integration announcements anytime soon.
Copilot in Windows is still not the tool that many Windows users might hope it would be. It is basically an integrated version of Bing Chat with a tiny amount of Windows controls sprinkled on top. Communication lags, because it requires Internet connectivity and communication with Microsoft servers. It could become better over time, especially if Microsoft manages to integrate a locally-run component.
The new Windows build introduces support for USB 80 Gbps as well, which prepares the operating system for the "first major version update of the USB4 standard" according to Microsoft.
Now You: have you disabled Copilot on your devices or do you use the feature?

There was a time when a product had a fixed featureset the customer could use to make a mature decision to buy or not to buy that product.
Now with win10, os-as-a-service shitshow, M$ changes, removes or adds ‘features’ arbitrary w/o ever asking the customer if he actually wants or agrees to that. Its eat or die.
Why are Customers so passive nowadays? This is a No go x 10000. When did it happen?
Is it Gen Y that gave away all customer rights for laziness and hedonism?
When did it turn to be ok, that smartwatches and fittnesstracker phone all the data home so the users needs cloudaccess to process them? Why noone asked for a local app for Pc to analyze? WE are the Customers that shape companies, but somewhen comanies now shape us.
People are ultimately stupid, if some sort of product or service seems “smart” or is able to “wow” them, they will not think about HOW that is happening.
There’s that quote about the car guy “If I’d have asked my customers what they wanted, they’d have said a faster horse”.
These companies are long past refining and improving things, it’s not enough to just improve a product over time, that makes you a “sitting duck”. They’re much more interested in being the next new paradigm shifter, their strategy is to force things upon people, make them seem like they can’t live without them, and see what sticks.
Nobody gave a crap about AI about a year ago (before they started pushing this whole thing started with GPT, etc), but now you’ve got a bunch of groups that “can’t live without it”. Foreign people trying to feign competence in the english language are a big group, apparently people also use it for generating code, and don’t even get me started on “image generation”.
“WE are the Customers that shape companies, but somewhen comanies now shape us” this is just not true any more, for the reasons mentioned above.
I think back in the 80s and 90s the culture was different, those that interacted with tech had different mindsets (remember, ICT is not in a vacuum, surrounding culture also matters), but gradually this changes – firstly, mass adoption of technology, aka the ability for absolute morons to do computing without any kind of thought as to how anything works, was a big part of the problem, but also, as companies took control away over time, the newer people that keep pouring in that don’t have the previous frame of reference accept it as the new normal, and don’t question the current status quo, rinse and repeat and that’s how you get where we’ve gotten.
If you won’t log your pc into M$ we will!
earlier it was Headache with Cortana now another copilot what the hell..
Microsoft spent a ton on AI investment. So CO-Pilot is just another forced way to try and re-coup Microsoft’s big investment. One has to wonder if this will all be a bust for Microsoft. Maybe AI becomes somewhat useful down the road. But will Microsoft actually profit from their investment?
Especially if they start annoying the end user to use AI.
I have CoPilot disabled. I will not get into a rant.
You should enable it.
To launch automatically when a Windows Update is unable to finish if partition size or order is not set as Microsoft guys want? Nope. Then f*** the Copilot itself. Just my opinion, of course. :S
Reason #721 why I am no longer useng Windows for primaey work system
It’s time for other nations to take swift action and end this Windows Copilot foolishness.