Reddit gives moderators final warning to remove NSFW labels

Emre Çitak
Jul 7, 2023

Reddit controversy continues as the platform has given moderators of several subreddits a final warning to remove the NSFW labels from their communities, or else they will be removed from their moderator teams.

This comes after moderators of several subreddits began labeling their communities as NSFW in protest of Reddit's recent changes to its NSFW content policy.

Reddit NSFW Content Policy
Reddit has updated their NSFW Content Policy

What are the recent changes to Reddit's NSFW Content Policy?

In April 2023, Reddit made several changes to its NSFW Content Policy. These changes made it more difficult for users to find NSFW content, and they also made it more difficult for moderators to manage NSFW communities.

Some of the key changes include:

  • Requiring NSFW communities to be marked as such in their subreddit settings
  • Making it more difficult for users to search for NSFW content
  • Limiting the visibility of NSFW content in the Reddit app

What is NSFW Content?

NSFW stands for "Not Safe For Work". This type of content is considered to be sexually suggestive, or to contain violence or other graphic content that may not be appropriate for all audiences.

Reddit has a long history of allowing NSFW content on its platform, but in recent years, it has begun to take a stricter stance on this type of content.

Why did moderators start labeling their communities as NSFW?

Moderators of several subreddits began labeling their communities as NSFW in protest of these changes.

They felt that the changes violated their users' rights to access NSFW content, and that they made it too difficult for users to find the content they were looking for.

r/pics moderator has shared this about the situation:

UPDATE: /r/PICS is being forced to break the site-wide rules.
byu/pics-moderator inpics

What did Reddit say in response?

Reddit has said that the moderators' actions are a violation of its Content Policy and Moderator Code of Conduct, and that they must remove the NSFW labels immediately.

If they do not, they will face further consequences. Reddit has not said what the consequences for the moderators would be if they do not remove the NSFW labels.

It remains to be seen how this situation will be resolved. However, it is clear that Reddit is taking a stricter stance on NSFW content, and that moderators who violate its policies will face consequences.

It is possible that Reddit will eventually cave to the pressure from moderators and reverse some of the changes to its NSFW content policy.


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  1. Honorius said on July 11, 2023 at 2:14 pm

    What exactly are these weaklings dissatisfied with this time? That communities are labeled as NSFW but don’t actually contain such content? Well, then that needs to be fixed: post a little bit of NSFW content in those communities every day.

  2. buttocks said on July 8, 2023 at 6:07 am

    this comment section has been trolled

    1. But said on July 8, 2023 at 4:13 pm

      because no one agrees with you… haha

  3. TimH said on July 7, 2023 at 6:46 pm

    The workaround is easy. Have a careful look at what Reddit defines as NSFW, and post a tiny amount of the least offensive (the word buttock, perhaps?) NSFW content daily.

  4. Benjamin said on July 7, 2023 at 6:31 pm

    Free, Trusted, Uncensored changes to Unfree, Untrusted, Censored i am simply leaving, deleting all history of said site. It is entirely possible just as simple as i quit having a TV set at home 25 years ago. I never missed neither TV nor any site which censored, banned me or others. I simply leave…

  5. Billk said on July 7, 2023 at 2:25 pm

    Seems like reddit is doing everything they can to drive users away. I use Reddit very lightly so doesn’t impact me in the slightest, but the last few weeks makes want to avoid that in the future. Just me…

  6. Mystique said on July 7, 2023 at 12:33 pm

    Having a sub marked as NSFW also greatly diminishes Reddits advertising potential as I believe that advertisers do not want to be associated with any such sub so it is definitely affecting their profits.

    Some apps are still working but some of those that aren’t anymore can be patched to work but who would want to go back to Reddit at this point. Same goes for Twitter.

  7. bill said on July 7, 2023 at 11:20 am

    Ooohhh, how scary. I’m shacking in my boots.

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