Union Accuses Apple of Firing Workers in Retaliation for Organizing
The Unions aren't happy with the Apple terminations. Who will be next?
Unions have played a big role in protecting the rights of employees and advocating for better working conditions. The one thing I've noticed with unions is that they negotiate with employers to ensure fair treatment. They commonly operate under a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) which just means they have a legally binding contract between the employers and themselves. Commonly the CBA will outline the terms and conditions of employment, wages, benefits, hours, and job security.
Unionizing also provides various other services to its members, such as legal representation. This is what we will dwell on today as the Union accuses Apple of unlawfully dismissing some employees.
Allegedly Apple fired five workers in Kansas City and disciplined one in Texas, according to The Communications Workers of America union. This was all in retaliation for organizing. The union has further allegations that accuse the company of promising employees better working conditions and interrogating the employees unlawfully. Apple allegedly wanted the employees not to support the union and also threatened them with worse working conditions.
In a CWA press release, D’lite Xion, one employee who was fired says Apple management said they had fired him for a typo in his timesheet even though he had documented it and attempted to correct it. He also went on to reveal that the real reason he was fired is that he was exercising his rights to win and organize a protected voice in the workplace.
Another employee says she was given a notice for arriving a minute late to work three times within the same month. According to the Washington Post, she was fired after she had two more problems by coming late. In this regard, the Union filed two charges referring to unfair labor practices with the National Labour Relations Board.
Apple hasn't responded to the allegations. Apparently, Apple has been here before as this isn't the first time they have been accused of unfair labor practices. These commonly come in the way they behave towards their workers who are attempting to organize. The National Labor Relations Board ruled in favor of the workers saying that Apple interrogated the employees. In addition to that they are accused of coercing employees in Atlanta who also agree to the accusations. Apparently, Apple discriminated against employee union efforts in New York.
The claims continue to grow as more come up with the same allegations. Organizers at Towson Town Center, Apple’s first unionized retail locations are also accusing the company of doing the same to them this time only by withholding information on new benefits issued to other ununionized workers. This made it difficult to bargain for the same treatment.
So much has been said about Apple especially when it comes to employee treatment. Their non-response to defend themselves raises even bigger questions. Unions have also been criticized in the past as some say they increase the cost of labor and create unfavorable conditions for their members. Additionally, unions can also become too powerful and may sometimes not have the best interests of employees.
“Unions have also been criticized in the past as some say they increase the cost of labor”
Labor does not cost anything to the bosses. Everything is created by the workers. On the contrary, bosses cost a lot to the workers.
“create unfavorable conditions for their members.”
You mean being fired by Apple for trying to unionize ?
“unions can also become too powerful”
Always from the point of view of the bosses’ interests, not from that of the workers.
“and may sometimes not have the best interests of employees.”
Usually because they may be sold to the bosses…
All interesting notions, except that an important detail seems to always get lost in discussions. The employees don’t own the workplace. Fact is labor laws have hugely been improved and unions have pretty much lost their importance and luster, especially where unions, not the employer, make ‘membership’ compulsory.
“Labor does not cost anything to the bosses. Everything is created by the workers.”
Someone doesn’t know basic economics.
When workers are unionized, salaries go up because unions get a cut. Therefore, labor does cost more. Therefore, products or services costs more to the regular working Joe Shmoe who gets the bad end of the bargain. You know? The people people like you say are fighting for.
I swear, it’s like communists / socialists are purposefully ignorant when it comes to the most basic stuff and they live in this la la land utopia where 1 + 1 = 3 to accommodate their idealistic views.
Freedom of Association should be a basic LIBERAL civil liberty.
That would include decisions to hire or fire or quit or join !!!!
What we need less of are state-mandated associations (or non-associations) !