Users continue to discover new Bing Chat modes and features

Martin Brinkmann
Mar 6, 2023
Updated • Mar 6, 2023

Bing Chat has been in the news for the past couple of weeks, but its users continue to discover new modes and features of the dialogue-focused AI.

Most of the time, it is by pure chance that users stumble upon an interesting feature or unlock a new mode that was not known before.

Microsoft is working on Bing Chat around the clock. The company increased daily limits, added a tone feature and a tagging system to Bing Chat recently.

Here is a list of new modes and features that came to light recently.

Bing Chat's secret celebrity mode

Bleeping Computer revealed Bing Chat's secret celebrity mode this week, which allows Bing Chat to impersonate certain existing and fictional celebrities.

Bleeping Computer had Bing Chat talk like Dwayne Johnson, and noted that the AI supported Tom Hanks, Barack Obama, Elon Musk and others as well. On the fictional site, Bleeping Computer found out that Bing Chat supports Darth Vader, Yoda, Gandalf, Gollum or Sherlock Holmes.

The site does not reveal specifically how the mode is started, and it is possible that Microsoft has limited or blocked the mode ever since the report went live. According to the info, you had to ask Bing Chat about celebrity mode, and Bing Chat would enable the mode then automatically.

All of the following modes and features were discovered by our colleagues over at Neowin.

Ascii Art is supported

Bing Chat users can ask the AI to draw in Ascii Art. You should not expect masterful art, but it is still a nice to have feature. The AI did return Ascii image results from the web as well.

Eventually, Bing Chat is probably going to take advantage of a technology like stable diffusion to create images based on the input.

Get recipe suggestions based on food

Tell Bing Chat about the food that you have and ask it to find recipes, and you will get some recipe suggestions from the AI. It is a bit of a hassle to enter all items, but you could also focus on main ingredients and get results based on those.

You may also add more details, such as returning vegetarian or vegan recipes only, to the conversation.

Bing Chat and Chess

While there is no direct game mode available, Bing Chat may be tricked into playing a game of chess. Naturally, the AI may also help with certain chess problems or even teach rules.

One user managed to trick Bing Chat by asking "what would you play as black after", listening all previous moves.

For now, it is probably better to rely on computer chess programs and apps, or electronic chess boards, and wait until Microsoft or another company creates a game mode for its artificial intelligence that supports chess and other games.

Narrating movies using Jira tickets

Bing Chat can narrate movies or give plot summaries, but it also can be used to narrate movies using Jira tickets. The exact command for this is unclear, but Ethan Mollick published some of their findings on Twitter.

He got Bing Chat to provide suggestions for the Empire in Star Wars: a new Hope, which would have prevented the rebellion to succeed, and fix all of Jurassic Park's main problems as well.

Limited Office use

Bing Chat may return data tables at times, depending on the user query. One user discovered that Bing Chat could use Office programs, but it is unclear at this point whether the spreadsheet download link actually worked.

For now, Office does not seem to be integrated into the capabilities of Bing Chat, and the AI flat out denies any such capabilities.

Now You: what would you like to use an AI for?

Users continue to discover new Bing Chat modes and features
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Users continue to discover new Bing Chat modes and features
Bing Chat supports all kinds of features, including talking like celebrities, playing chess, or fixing movie plots.
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  1. basingstoke said on March 6, 2023 at 10:28 am

    “On the fictional site, Bleeping Computer…” aw man I didn’t know that site wasn’t real, sure sounds like it could be a real website

  2. Jojo said on March 6, 2023 at 9:20 am

    Has anyone tried to input a medical test result, such as a lung scan, and asked it to translate what was written into standard English?

    That would be really helpful!

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