Microsoft Edge is getting an option to pause extensions on sites

Martin Brinkmann
Apr 12, 2022
Microsoft Edge

Microsoft is testing a new feature in its Edge web browser currently that enables users to pause extensions on specific sites.

microsoft edge pause extensions

The description of the feature may remind some users of Google Chrome's option to restrict extension access, but it is in fact different. First, because Chrome's feature is also available in other Chromium-based browsers, including Microsoft Edge. Second, because Microsoft's implementation pauses access temporarily only.

The feature is A-B tested currently, but the specifics are unclear. I checked on two devices, one did not have the option in Edge Canary, the other did. The main difference between the two was that more extensions were installed on the second system.

A click on the Extension icon in the main Edge toolbar and the selection of the three-dots menu displays the new option, if available. It reads "Pause extensions on this site", and when you activate it, will do exactly that. All extensions are paused and the site is reloaded automatically. Note that there is no option to customize this; you can't pause one or a few extensions; it is all or nothing at this point.

Microsoft Edge displays a reminder at the top after the page has reloaded: "Extensions are paused on this site. We've paused extensions on this site to keep your data sharing minimal".

extensions paused

The description reveals Microsoft's main intention: to limit data sharing. Users may have other reasons, including to overcome compatibility issues on a specific site.

A reload does not change the status in regards to extensions, as they remain paused on the site. A restart of the browser is not changing the pause status either. A click on the extension management icon displays a resume extensions button. Activating it restores extension use on the site. A reload completes the process.

extensions are paused

Microsoft Edge Canary comes with a second extension pausing preference. It is enabled by default, unlike the user-facing option, and will pause extensions automatically on sensitive sites.

The option is listed on edge://settings/privacy under Security.

microsoft edge-pause extensions automatically

Microsoft reveals that the option turns off extensions on sensitive banking and payment sites, but does not provide specifics. I tried several banking and payment sites, including Bank of America, PayPal and also regional sites, and extensions were paused only on some automatically. An option to add sites to the list manually is missing, but the front-facing setting to pause extensions is available that may be used for that purpose. Still, an option to manage a list of sites would certainly be welcome.

Closing Words

The ability to pause extensions on some sites serves two main purposes: to disable data sending on sites for privacy purposes, and to resolve compatibility issues. The feature is in testing at the moment and it is possible that it will never be introduced in stable versions of the Microsoft Edge web browser.

Now You: pausing extensions, is that a feature that you would use? (via Leopeva64)


Microsoft Edge is getting an option to pause extensions on sites
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Microsoft Edge is getting an option to pause extensions on sites
Microsoft is testing a new feature in its Edge web browser currently that enables users to pause extensions on specific sites.
Ghacks Technology News

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  1. Tony said on April 14, 2022 at 1:46 am

    If Microsoft gives users the ability to pause extensions on a website, then they give themselves that ability. It is reasonable to expect that would be abused by Microsoft.

  2. Ray said on April 13, 2022 at 11:29 pm

    Pausing all extensions is not useful to me. Pausing individual extensions on a site would be better.

    Chromium allows you to configure when an extension can run on a domain from the extension’s Details page, but you have to type in each domain manually. There is also another Chrome addon called Extension Automation, which allows you to configure which extensions should be enabled all on one options page, but it is no longer developed.

  3. Naughty Nancy said on April 12, 2022 at 9:05 pm


    “people might complain about Microsoft”

    Full stop. I wouldn’t trust a convicted monopoly which is basically a mafia with my box or any data whatsoever! With their billions, instead of making their own browser, they took from Google. How convenient!

    “And if people get bothered by it being from Microsoft, people can block all Microsoft IPs from connecting to it”

    It is proprietary garbage and knowing M$, you’ll never block everything.

  4. Koocaunt said on April 12, 2022 at 7:45 pm

    Nice feature, people might complain about Microsoft but they surely have the best browser around and constantly releasing these useful features that no other browser does like vertical tabs, while using less memory, letting you see all tabs in the task view if you want or see the processes in the task manager without having to guess which one is using the high resources.

    And if people get bothered by it being from Microsoft, people can block all Microsoft IPs from connecting to it, sideload extensions and move on, it works, but people are lazy and like to complain too.

    1. owl said on April 13, 2022 at 12:59 am

      If it is the best (unparalleled), why has the market share never increased?
      If it is the rate of increase in market share, Brave is the best.

      Microsoft, annoyed that the number of users was not increasing, began a little trick that interferes with you search Google Chrome or Firefox using Bing search or Edge by displaying a dialog box saying, “There is no need to download a new Web Browser” and even popping up chat support.
      That is how unpopular and unattractive they are.

      Are you a devout believer, a stupidity, an affiliate, or a stealth marketer to be so blatant and fanatical in your ramblings?

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