First Windows 11 update impacts AMD performance issues even more
When Microsoft released Windows 11 last week, AMD published a support article in which it stated that the performance of AMD powered devices was up to 15% worse than on Windows 10 devices. AMD even went that far to suggest to its customers that it would be better to stay on Windows 10 for the time being.
AMD processors are affected by increased L3 cache latency and preferred core mechanism, known as UEFI-CPPC2, is not working correctly either.
Microsoft did not add the issue to the list of known issues of Windows 11, and has not revealed the issue publicly, to the best of my knowledge.
Microsoft released the first cumulative update for Windows 11 on Tuesday. The patch, which was delivered to compatible and incompatible systems, appears to affect the performance of AMD processors even more, according to benchmarks run by TechPowerUp and Heise.
TechPowerUp reports that one of their AMD test devices had a latency of 31.9 ns after installation of the October 2021 update for Windows 11. Before, its latency was 17 ns, and on Windows 10, it was 10 ns.
Heise, a popular German publishing company, best known for its CT magazine, reported similar benchmark results. A Ryzen 5 5600G device had a latency of 12.4 ns on Windows 10. With the release version of Windows 11 installed, the latency jumped up to about 30 ns, and with this week's patch to 40 ns.
Read and write performance dropped to about 96 Gigabytes/second after installation of the update, while it performed at 378 Gigabytes/second on Windows 10.
AMD plans to release a patch for the Preferred Cores issue on Windows 11. The patch is scheduled for October 21, 2021. According to AMD, Microsoft will release a patch for Windows 11 on October 19, 2021, to address the latency issue of AMD systems on Microsoft's Windows 11 operating system.
AMD customers who upgraded to Windows 11 already should see noticeable performance improvements, especially in taxing contexts such as gaming, after the release of both updates.
As always, we will let you know once the updates are available.
Now You: have you upgraded your device(s) to Windows 11?

Only yourself to blame upgrading to this trash OS. Wait at least 5 years before downgrading.
Remember, friends, it’s ALWAYS *ONE MICROSOFT WAY*. Please remember that.
Don’t worry, they’ll fix it even worser soon.
Win 11 looks nice but I don’t spend much time looking at window title bars, taskbars or menus thinking “Ohhhh, Ahhhh!” Apparently some users do.
How is possible that test team in Microsoft didn’t notice this issue?
Microsoft recently praised a lot this team, so maybe undeservedly.
I’ve been using W11 since August on my desktop and laptop. Haven’t really noticed any change in performance over W10. I moved the taskbar icons back to the left and had to learn where some things were moved and remove the widgits but I was able to customize it to my liking. If you want to stay on W10 then there’s that option. I can understand the hesitancy to wait a few months for all the bugs to get worked out though. Fortunately I haven’t been affected by any and I think I’m in the majority.
There seems to be no good reason to switch from 10 to 11 right now. Don’t be sucked in by a FOMO need for the new thing. Give it 6 months – or more.
Trey I recommend to never upgrade to Windows 11. I would stick with Windows 10 all the way to 2025. Then after update support ends. If you still want to use Windows 10 with much longer update support, then switch over to Widows 10 Enterprise LTSC 1809 which will receive update support up to January 9th of 2029. It’s easy to find a activation online for any version of Windows 10 too.
Despite some medium issues, I like W11. I would be more happy if taskbar could be set on top with no third party sofware, and to reduce its size as well to be more user’s friendly. Also there are some poor issues with new file explorer that are certainly annoying for daily work. However it’s a good upgrade imho, we should think that it’s very difficult to start a new stage in Microsoft. Anyway, I still don’t believe that W11 is a new OS, it’s W10+ with some added furniture (i.e., NT number is the same, as you all can see at any browser useragent). :]
John G, you recommend W11 despie sone “medium issues”. Why would anyone switch when there are real drawbacks but no important improvements? You use the word ‘upgrade’. Exactly what has been upgraded? Deliberately making it harder to change your browser from Edge? Taking customization options away from the desktop? Forcing Home users to use a Microsoft account to feed Redmond’s inexhaustible hunger for customer data? More and harder to block telemetry? I could go on, but, in short, if anything this appears to be a downgrade. Unless, of course, you think adding rounded corners and the like are big design improvements as opposed to smoke and mirrors to foll people into thinking that they received something better.
I suppose Microsoft will hang its hat on the changed Windows Store (which I personally can’t imagine using for various reasons including a liking for privacy and the ability to get better software from third party sources) and the improved security they claim Windows 11 will provide. Truly better security would in fact be a real improvement but time is needed to determine if users will really be safer. I’m not holding my breath.
@HermanCost, I don’t recommend W11 for now, I only said that I like it despite some mediums issues. Imho W11 will be absolutely better than W10 in less than two years long. :]
I’ve installed StartAllBack to mitigate MS’s ridiculous design choices, but otherwise W11 is working more or less like W10 with a new lick of paint.
Enough with the “FOMO”, “FUD” and the other popular retarded catchphrases as of late.
People can do what they want, I have been using Windows 11 since August and has worked just fine, no bugs, problems, crashes or decreases in performance. In fact the performance has increased drastically.
I’m not saying it’s amazing, but it works, no need to scare people with over-dramatic articles like this. There are even people with AMD processors using Windows 11 saying that nothing has changed for them.
how in the earth your performance increased? even Microsoft show the video about it but never had a ball to prove it by any legitimate benchmark or some well proven point that people would believe it… there is no increase performance with 11…there is not..
[This comment has been written in a purposefully belligerent fashion, as after many discussions with fanboys I have noticed that this is the only thing that sometimes changes their mind, any civilized discussion is pointless, as they are stuck in a ‘private company can do whatever it wants’ mindset and refuse to acknowledge there such a thing as abusing one’s dominant position on the market. They personally identify with the product and feel threatened if someone gives legitimate criticisms.]
Right, because some random knows better then AMD whether Windows affects performance.
Fanboys like you are the cancer of tech. It’s because people like you exist and metastasize their beta beliefs that companies in tech can get away with anything, from broken products to dropping support despite promises. They will always be a bent over product consumer willing to take anything from his corporate overlords.
Dumbledalf Windows 11 is a giant piece of spyware. I will never use something that spies on me a lot more. Not going to use something that slows down my performance. Don’t like Microsoft trying to force the TPM spyware on me either. Going to stick with Widows 10 Enterprise LTSC 1809 all the way. So I say no thanks to Windows 11.