Microsoft is testing a fix for AMD's Windows 11 performance issue

Microsoft released a new build to Beta and Release Preview Channels of the company's Windows 11 operating system a few hours ago. The patch includes a huge number of fixes for issues in Windows 11, including a fix for the L3 caching issue of AMD Ryzen processors that can reduce the performance on such devices by up to 15%. The issue got worse with the release of first cumulative update for Windows 11, released on the October 2021 Patch Day.
The last round of testing before updates are released are done when Microsoft pushes updates to the Release Preview channel of the operating system. These patches may be released as optional updates for Windows 11 next week. Users who are affected by issues may install these optional updates to resolve them, or wait until the updates get released on the November Patch Tuesday on November 8th, 2021.
Here is what is fixed:
- L3 caching issue is fixed in "some applications on devices that have AMD Ryzen processors" on Windows 11.
- Fixed a Start Menu issue for "a small number of users" that prevented the Start Menu from working and users from seeing the updated taskbar design.
- Fixed a race condition during the early part of startup, which could cause a stop error.
- Fixed another stop error, this one caused by a regression on "some machine configurations that use non-ASCII text in the Registry".
- Fixed an issue with "the interrupt handling of certain processors" which could cause devices to stop responding.
- Fixed a PowerShell infinite number of directories issues.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Server Manager application to disappear when it was used to remove Hyper-V features.
- Fixed a Windows Remote Management service issue that caused it to stop working under high load situations.
- Fixed a Windows Management Instrumentation issue that caused it to stop working.
- Fixed an issue that caused a device to stop working when it is forcible shut down while Group Policy is being updated.
- Fixed a migration issue between Distributed File System paths to fail if they are stored on different volumes.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the writing to a WMI repository after low memory conditions occurred.
- Fixed an issue with the hardcoded font in the PowerShell shortcut, which distorted Japanese, Chinese, and Korean language fonts.
- Fixed a time parsing issue if milliseconds were excluded.
- Fixed an issue that caused some Enhanced Metafile Format files to be rendered.
- Fixed an Enterprise Mode Site List redirection issue, which opened a site in multiple tabs in Edge.
- Fixed an Internet Explorer issue that caused it to stop working.
- Fixed an issue with PropertyGet in JScript9.dll.
- Fixed a memory leak in VBScript with nested classes.
- Fixed an issue that failed to keep the state of NumLock after a Fast Startup restart.
- Fixed an issue with moving certain application windows; moving was unusually slow if a File Explorer window was on the screen.
- Fixed an issue in the Mail application that prevented it from accepting keyboard input in the address and subject fields.
- Fixed a renaming file issue using the new Japanese IME.
- ixed an App-V issue that caused black screens to appear when signing in on the credentials page.
- Fixed an Internet print server issue that caused it to fail to properly package modified printer properties before sending the data to clients.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Xbox Game Bar recording feature to become unavailable.
- Fixed a voice distortion issue in the audio captured by voice assistants.
- Fixed a memory leak in lsass.exe.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Kerberos.dll to stop working.
- Fixed an issue with a non-paged pool leak.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the enabling of BitLocker on a thinly provisioned virtual machine.
- Improved the performance of MsSense.exe.
- Fixed a Windows Defender Exploit Protection issue that prevented some Office apps from working on machines with "certain processors".
- Fixed an issue that prevented Quick Assist users from using fill screen view.
- Fixed an issue with Set-RDSessionCollectionConfiguration.
- Fixed an IME mode instability in the RemoteApp scenario.
- Fixed an issue that caused the IME toolbar to be displayed even if the RemoteApp is closed.
- Fixed apaged pool memory leak in the Registry keys for the Virtual Desktop ID that occurs in explorer.exe.
- Microsoft "made small adjustments to the contrast theme colors".
- Fixed a Narrator and other screen reader issue that prevented it from announcing when the Start Menu is open.
- Fixed a search issue in File Explorer that caused searches to fail if the search index is damaged.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the search window to appear on a secondary monitor.
- Fixed an issue in File Explorer that caused its window to lose focus if a network drive was mapped.
- Fixed a lockscreen issue that displayed it in black if a slideshow was set up.
- Fixed a reliability issue with LogonUI.exe.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the opening of multiple apps holding down the Shift-key on the keyboard.
- Chat icon design and animation were updated.
- Fixed the warning that other people's unsaved work may be lost when shutting down or restarting, if no other users were signed in.
- Fixed a profile deletion issue related to the policy "Delete user profiles older than a specified number of days on system restart".
- Fixed a Remote Desktop Protocol connection issue.
- Fixed an issue that caused input delays for certain Bluetooth mice and keyboards.
- Fixed a Start Menu opening issue after updating video card drivers.
- Fixed the downtime estimate precision for estimates that are two minutes or more.
- Fixed a LSASS domain controller memory leak.
- Fixed an issue when the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol bind cache is full.
- Fixed an issue in Adamsync.exe that affected the syncing of large Active Directory subtrees.
- Fixed a deadlock when Offline Files are enabled.
- Administrators may reset the zoom to the default for HTML dialogs in Edge and IE.
- Group Policy implemented for the Registry value:
- HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Printers\PointAndPrint
- Value name: RestrictDriverInstallationToAdministrators
- Value data: 1
- Enabled credentials for Azure Directory Federation Services users in Quick Assist.
- Option to configure period or dot delimited IP.
You can check out Microsoft's announcement here.

KB5006746 update (build 22000.282) just released by MS Thursday Oct. 21:
Impish indri not problem with amd processor soc performance.
I think that I shall stay right here with Windows 10. Microsoft does not like my Ryzen 7 processor from 2017 anyway. Not approved for Windows 11. No way am I upgrading an already super running computer for the “privilege” of running Windows 11.
Heh c’mon guys, new system/upgrade brings new problems not known before, as usual, nothing new.
If you don’t wanna be alfa testers for your own money or loose your work just wait few years. As simple as that.
Grandma and her AMD system are freaking out – Windows still isn’t ready for the desktop.
They serious need to fire everyone on the Windows team. Too many screw ups since Windows 8.
How’s that Windows 11 pre-alpha working out?
This is Vista Part 2
M$ is just following its long term tradition of releasing a crappy OS, alternating between the good ones:
Win Vista: BAD
Win 7: GOOD
Win 8/Win 8.1: BAD
Win 10: GOOD
Win 11: guess what… BAD
Yeah, this is ready.
Maybe when Windows 10 reaches EOL in 4 years time Windows 11 will be bug free enough to consider using it, that’s a big maybe though as Windows 10 is still buggy as hell some 6 years later.
I would switch over to Windows 10 LTSC Enterprise v1809. If you want much longer update support for Windows 10. Update support for Windows 10 LTSC is good until January 9th of 2029. Myself will not be using Windows 11 anytime soon. In fact I might switch over to Linux when I cant use Windows 10 anymore.
I am starting to think that Windows 11’s development engineers are all working with W10 platforms, and enjoying a good taskbar indeed for major productivity. And also that they all are laughing about W11 fiasco over fiasco, and living in other world where nothing serious matters. :[
“Testing a fix”.. You mean removing the crippling code they added on purpose, because they got caught and it’s now all over the news. But it’s nice to play the good guy and releasing a “fix” very quickly.
Microsoft is a scam. Windows is not an operating system, it’s an advertising/surveillance platform with a few features added for simulating/faking a real operating system.