CrossOver is a program that lets you add a custom crosshair to make aiming easier in games

Feb 8, 2021
Updated • Feb 23, 2021

If there's one thing which annoys gamers, it's got to be the crosshair in shooting games. Sometimes the on-screen reticle is either too tiny, large, or in some cases unusable. I've seen my friends put a tape on their screen when playing MMOs, so they have a slight edge over their opponents. Some games support custom crosshairs, or at least include several different types that you may enable.

CrossOver is a program that lets you add a custom crosshair to make aiming easier in games

As an old-school gamer who plays single-player games, I like the immersion factor. Not having a HUD to distract you, really lets you observe things around you, like the grass, rocks, trees and plants. The same goes for aiming down an ironsight. But if you're ever having trouble with a mission or game where you might struggle with your bow or gun, maybe due to screen shake or sway, having an overlay will help you.

CrossOver provides you with a crosshair that you can customize to your liking. When you start the program, a semi-opaque window is displayed. It contains a crosshair, and has 4 buttons, one on each corner. Click and drag the box to reposition it as required.

Now, that box is not going to interfere with your gameplay, isn't it?

CrossOver box ui

That actually looks terrible. Don't worry, you can hide it easily. Press the following hotkey: Ctrl + Shift + Alt + X. This will disable the box around the crosshair.

Crossover ui hidden

Crossover doesn't work out of the box with all games, if that is the case you will need to change the game from full screen to borderless fullscreen or windowed mode. This will enable the program to work, in my tests the application worked with Borderlands 2, but not in Far Cry 5.

Crossover example

When I switched to borderless display mode in the latter, Crossover worked flawlessly.

Mouse over the interface, click on it and drag it to any location on the screen. If you accidentally moved it, and want to center it on the screen, double-click on the bulls-eye button in the bottom left-hand corner. Or you can use Control-Alt-Shift-Arrows to move the crosshair one pixel at a time.

Crossover custom reticule

A single-click on the bulls-eye opens the reticule selector. Crossover has dozens of target styles to choose from, these come in various shapes and sizes, from real crosshairs, chevrons, circular dot, cross dot, simple crosshair, dot outlined, x-hair, t-hair, etc. Left click on a reticule to switch to it.

Back on the main screen of the application, click on the settings button in the bottom-right to access options to modify the crosshair sight, size, and the opacity.

Crossover crossdot

Warning: Using an overlay in an online multiplayer game could get you banned, so think twice, do some research whether the game allows users to use custom crosshairs, etc. I don't play online games, so I can't say for sure whether this works with specific titles.

crossover reticule

To reset the settings, hit Control-Alt-Shift-R. Close the program by hitting the X button in the top left corner of the GUI. Don't forget to exit the program after your gaming session, you don't want a reticule while browsing or editing text, do you?

CrossOver is an open source program, it is an Electron app. The application is available for Windows, MacOS and Linux. The tool doesn't use a lot of resources, so your framerates remain unaffected. CrossOver gets updated very frequently, in fact I'd say it's done a bit too frequently, there were like 10 updates in just one week since the version 1.02 beta was released.

CrossOver is easy to use, and I liked the customization options. So, if you're having a hard time with aiming in a game, give this overlay a shot. Not a fan of crosshair tools? Some games have an accessibility option for aim assist that can help you, enabling it can make a huge difference.


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  1. Lacy Morrow said on April 9, 2022 at 11:54 pm

    I’m the developer of CrossOver, please check out for more info.

    To answer questions:
    – No, not bannable (
    – CrossOver only works with “bordered” or “windowed” fullscreen modes, not native fullscreen
    – Please direct all “Electron Big, App Bad” jokes to 2014 or to `> /dev/null 2>&1`

  2. Wind said on March 15, 2021 at 9:50 pm

    Hello! Just wanna start by saying I love your software. The range of customizability is lovely. Soft suggestion: Add outlines for better visibility. Other than that: I’m having trouble with Overwatch specifically; whenever I try to play using fullscreen mode, Overwatch takes over CrossOver as the app on top. I don’t want to run the game as Windowed Borderless because the input lag is just too noticeable. I tried the Ctrl + Space trick I read about online and that didn’t do the trick. Is there something I’m missing? Please help. Thank you so much!

  3. browserless said on February 9, 2021 at 11:01 am

    “it is an Electron app.”
    Jesus Christ!
    I even checked: 100 MB !!! app to show the overlay small picture in the center of the screen.

  4. Shawn said on February 8, 2021 at 7:36 pm

    Get a floating color picker “BOOM HEAD SHOT!”


    God duke nukem , doom , heretic days xDDD

  5. Sorryno said on February 8, 2021 at 3:33 pm

    This might get you banned in multiplayer games.

    1. Allwynd said on February 9, 2021 at 11:06 am

      Probably, but in games like Counter-Strike where the snipers don’t have a crosshair unless ADSed, or Insurgency where no weapons have crosshairs unless ADSed, they are very inaccurate so even using a program like this won’t do you much good.

    2. Branson said on February 8, 2021 at 8:33 pm

      Yeah I think would be smart not to use it on multiplayer games so you don’t suffer a ban with so many anticheat software that could easily detect it as such, plus although the article talks about it, you can’t never be sure if it really wouldn’t affect your frames especially the ones that don’t feel optimized and use too much CPU and such.

  6. empirefall said on February 8, 2021 at 3:00 pm

    many gracious thanks Ashwin, I was looking for a program just like this but to no avail

    my main reason for needing a program that provides a feature like this was simply for the purpose of know where the centre point of my screen is, as I sometimes contribute to OpenStreetMap, this will help me quite get my barrings as I am mapping

  7. Heimen Stoffels said on February 8, 2021 at 12:19 pm

    Cool program, but I don’t think Codeweavers will be so pleased to hear that someone else is using the name “CrossOver” for a piece of software…

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