Quantum, an introduction to Quantum Mechanics for Android

Quantum is a free application for Google's Android operating system that teaches you the basics of quantum mechanics.
Quantum mechanics deals with the so-called microworld and the objects -- atoms or particles for instance -- that it contains.
If you like to know more about it, for instance because you are interested in physics or science, or just want some bragging rights when the next Big Bang Theory episode airs, Quantum may be a good way to start.
Quantum is a free learning application that teaches you quantum mechanics theory and tests the knowledge that it teaches you in four tests.
The theory part is divided into chapters such as wave function, quantum tunneling or Bosons. While that may sound intimidating at first, the app does a good job at introducing you to the theory.
It offers a good overview in the beginning chapter for instance that covers important advancements in physics and how that led to first quantum mechanics theories.
You don't need an advanced physics or math degree to understand the core theories and advancements, but may need to research some topics in more detail for a clearer understanding of it. This is the case for instance when concepts or words are used that you don't understand, or don't know enough about.
Generally speaking however, Quantum does a good job of explaining concepts in easy to understand terms. Still, you may want to keep a web browser open or have a physics dictionary at hand to read up on things that don't make sense to you or that you want to know more about.
Most chapters are divided further into readable bits. It takes a couple of minutes to read through a chapter, more if you are unfamiliar with concepts. The application uses text predominantly but displays graphics as well to visualize key concepts.
The four tests include 60 questions that test what you have learned in the theory part of the application. The tests are divided into subjects so that you can start taking the first test after completing the first couple of chapters.
Quantum comes with a handful of nice to have features such as bookmarking to continue sessions at a later point in time.
Closing Words
Quantum is a great application for Android that introduces you to the core concepts of quantum mechanics. The app is well designed, comes without ads, in-app purchases, and is very light on the permissions side.

There better things than this app to explain QP.
The Engima App on F-droid is at least neat but normally apps are a shitty way to ‘teach’. Cause it’s hard to code a good app which really shows and explains the important things.