Official Khan Academy app launches for Android

The Khan Academy is a great resource for educational videos that has evolved over time by adding new topics such as computer science to a site that was heavily math-based in the beginning.
I like the site for a variety of reasons. First, the instructions are clear and easily understandable. Second, everything is visualized nicely so that you don't just get someone talking about linear equations but get it visualized at the same time which helps with the understanding.
Last but not least, it covers many different topics include maths for all levels, computer science and history.
Khan Academy launched the official application for Android. The application is currently available as a beta app which means that you will have to sign up as a beta tester using a Google account first before you can download it from Google Play.
The application itself appears to make available all topics, classes and lectures that you find on the official project website as well.
The frontpage displays the list of classes sorted by subject, e.g. early math and various grade classes under math or biology and physics under science.
A tap on a class opens the list of lessons available. A tap on a lesson provides detailed information about the lesson with options to jump straight to a topic you are interested in.
A tap on any topic loads the lesson as a YouTube video on top and a transcript below that.
The official Khan Academy application offers several features on top of the core functionality. If you have an account already or create one, it will keep track of your progress and sync it across devices that you use to watch these videos.
Another feature enables you to add videos to your own personal list which you can access directly from the frontpage. Useful if you want to bookmark a video, for instance if you have stopped watching it half-way through.
There is also a search that you can utilize to find lessons of interest.
If you compare the app to the web application, you will notice that exercises or teaching tools are not included. Since it is beta, it is possible that these will get added at a later point in time.
The Khan Academy application for Android provides another entry point to access lessons. While the content is somewhat limited compared to what is offered on the website, it may make up for it in presentation and accessibility.

Please let us know when this is a normal, not beta, app. Thanks.