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Max Capacity Training for Android gets you in shape in 48 minutes per week

Martin Brinkmann
Jun 28, 2013
Updated • Jun 28, 2013
Apps, Google Android

If you sit in front of the computer screen for most of your day you may know how difficult it is to squeeze training or workouts into your schedule. You are lucky if you have enough time to go to the gym during a break, or for a jog outside, but most of us probably do not have the time nor desire for that.

Max Capacity Training for Android may provide you with the right answer, at least where the time spend to work out and the intensity of the training is concerned.

The application uses a similar system as the 7-min Workout which I have reviewed a couple of weeks ago. This app on the other hand handles the training in a different manner which is helpful for users who need more direction when they train.

You train three times a week for 16 minutes each using the application. The overall goal of it is to get you in "the best shape of your life" in 12 weeks time.

Workouts are divided into weeks so that you know exactly what you are getting yourself into when you start using the app. Most workouts consists of four exercises that you repeat four or eight times for a total exercise time of 16 minutes. The application introduces a time attack mode every third week that asks you to do a certain amount of repetitions in the least amount of time based on your previous exercise performance.

max intensity workout

Each exercise is displayed to you before you start the workout. A tap on an exercise displays information how it is done on the screen so that you know exactly what you have to do. While that may not be required for push-ups or squats, you may need some assistance when it comes to crocodile push-ups or cliff scalers that make an appearance in later weeks.

max capacity workout

The application keeps track of the time and the exercise that you will do next in line. You need to perform each exercise as many times as you can in 50 seconds. The app reminds you with a voice over when you reached the 30 second mark and the last three seconds. It also informs you of the next exercise in line so that you know what to do after the ten second break.

Repeating those exercises can be really strenuous. 50 seconds may not sound like much but if you are untrained or have only trained specific body parts, then you may be in for a rude awakening.

You need to add your score - the repetitions - to the application as it bases some of the later week exercises on your initial performance.

Different protocols are introduced in later sessions. Here you may be asked to do more rounds, e.g. 8 rounds, or do a specific number of repetitions in the least amount of time possible based on your previous exercise performance.


What I like about the application is that you can do all the exercises anywhere. You do not need weights or other equipment to perform them which is great, as you can do them in a hotel room, in your office or at home.

The 16 minutes that you exercise are intense and your heart will pump like crazy when you are done, but it is only 16 minutes after all which means that you can get a thorough workout in a time that you would usually need to get to the gym.

The voice information are useful as you do not need to watch the phone's screen all the time anymore to find out what is coming next or to know when you finally can stop doing the superman.


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  1. YadyC said on July 25, 2013 at 3:46 pm

    To the person who said you can’t get in shape with this app, Yes you can. Not only have I lost 8pounds since I started but I can see my abs again. This app works and it works you good.

    1. Martin Brinkmann said on July 25, 2013 at 3:51 pm

      Congrats, losing eight pounds is quite good.

  2. Jim said on June 28, 2013 at 3:35 pm

    It is worth mentioning that you should get an OK from your Dr. before beginning any of these high intensity workouts. 7-min, PX90, Insanity, and the like are all in the same category. As the name says, they’re pretty intense. They’re all short duration, but high effort workouts. The idea is to burn the same amount of calories in less time. Although these are trendy right now, it really is debatable whether or not these anaerobic workouts are more effective than the traditional aerobic workout. Personally I prefer a mix. I do a HIT workout 3 times a week and a traditional aerobic routine twice a week.

    1. Martin Brinkmann said on June 28, 2013 at 3:57 pm

      Right, especially if you are untrained or overweight.

  3. beachbouy said on June 28, 2013 at 11:06 am

    Intersting app, and review. But, in my view, no one is going to get into the best condition of their life working out only 3 times a week. That leaves 4 days without exercise. The odds are immediately stacked against you. Want to get fit and lose weight? Exercise (raise heart rate, burn calories) 4 to 5 times per week. The good news is that once you get into shape, it only takes one third of the effort to stay in good shape. But, if you backslide, you have to start over again.

    1. Andrew said on October 22, 2013 at 9:28 am

      Well, i finished it and still doing it and i’m in a pretty good shape. i lost 12 kg of fat in 3 months so i guess that is a good result. also, you should use the app with the book.

      1. Martin Brinkmann said on October 22, 2013 at 9:40 am

        That’s an impressive result Andrew, congrats.

    2. Martin Brinkmann said on June 28, 2013 at 11:44 am

      I suppose it depends on how you define “in shape”. If you have not done anything before and complete the 12 week workout, you will definitely see progress, have lost some weight and all provided that you do not change anything else in your life. You won’t look like Arnold though but your overall level of fitness will have increased.

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