Twitter Makes HTTPS Default For Signed In Users

Martin Brinkmann
Feb 14, 2012
Updated • Jan 4, 2018
Companies, Internet, Twitter

Twitter users had an option to turn on https for their connections to the popular social messaging site for quite a while. Users who turned the feature on, benefited from encrypted communication with Twitter which blocked snooping and eavesdropping attacks, and recommended when for connections to the site on public (wireless) networks. This was especially useful for Twitter users on the go, but recommended for all users as it should not have any visible negative effects.

Twitter yesterday announced that they enabled HTTPS for all of their signed in users by default. Nothing changes for users who have enabled HTTPS previously in the site preferences. Everyone else will now notice that Twitter will automatically load whenever they visit the website. Users who enter are automatically redirected to the https version of the site.

https twitter com

While all users are now moved to secure https connections, some may experience connectivity issues because of this. Those users can disable the new feature in the settings.

Always use HTTPS is a preference under Account there. You may need to scroll down until you see it on the page. Just remove the checkmark and click on save changes afterwards to disable forced https connections on Twitter. You need to enter your Twitter password for confirmation to save the settings to your account.

twitter https only

Once disabled, you won't be redirected anymore to https if you want to load the http version of the site. You basically get the choice to load or

Twitter is not the first company that moves all of their users to https. We have seen similar moves by companies such as Google or Facebook as well.

You can read the original announcement at the official Twitter blog. (via Techdows)


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  1. Craig said on October 27, 2012 at 2:34 am

    Yep…I can confirm this as of today – October 26, 2012.

    I have a twitter app that requires https to be off to authenticate.

  2. Jacques Durocher said on October 27, 2012 at 12:28 am

    Today my account was set on HTTPS and I can’t find the option anymore in the twitter pannel.

    Is that only me ??? because it is important to turn that option off to use marketing software.

  3. Bojan - Alpha Efficiency said on October 26, 2012 at 11:00 am

    Seems you can’t turn off HTTPS anymore

  4. Matt said on February 14, 2012 at 11:55 am

    vimeo also seems to have made https the default for signed-in users of their new design (which is totally awesome, by the way, unlike so many other redesigned popular sites of the last 6 months).

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