Create Charts Online With Chart Creator
Sometimes you may need to create a quick chart without access to a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc.
You could say that installing the spreadsheet program would resolve the issue. But that's only possible if you are working on a computer where you have sufficient rights to do that.
And that's for instance not the case if you are using a public computer or a mobile phone. You may also be in a hurry and do not have time to download hundreds of Megabytes.
The next best thing is a web service that allows the creation of charts. You have the option to use a service like Google Docs or Microsoft Office Online for that, or something that is not as complicated to use.
Chart Creator
Chart Creator is a free lightweight tool to create charts online. The program supports a total of 12 different chart types, from line and area charts to scatter, pie, map and trend charts.
A click on Editor opens the configuration menu where you can configure how the chart should look like. A click on the customize tab offers to make additional modifications to the chart. This includes the layout of the legend, the chart title, values for the axis and additional features like log scale, reverse or stack.
Once you are done with the initial configuration you can start entering data that you want displayed on the chart. The program limits you to charts with two data points, for instance countries and their population.
A click on draw draws the chart on the screen. You can then use a screen capturing software to save the chart to your local system or use the print button to print it on a connected printer.Chart Creator offers an easy option to create simple charts online.
Users who need more functionality, for instance the ability to import data into a spreadsheet need to look at services such as Google Docs to do so as that is not possible with this chart creation service.
Update: Chart Creator is no longer available. We suggest you try out Google Docs as it offers comparable options when you open or create spreadsheets using the service.
Good info!!!!!
Guys, can you point me to a timeline creator, a timeline such as employees vacations?
Note that the raw can have more than one segment.
Great, very useful!