Magi The Fallen World [Game Saturday]

Martin Brinkmann
Apr 30, 2011
Updated • Nov 25, 2012

Magi: The Fallen World is a browser action rpg game. Players select a character class (Mage, Warrior, Archer) in the beginning. They start in town and can explore locations on the world map. The town offers the usual assortment of merchants and NPCs with quests. It is a good idea to accept as many quests as you can get in town before you start exploring other locations.

The game changes to an exploration map once you reach a location. That map displays your position, monsters, treasure and exits. You can move freely around with the mouse. Events are started when you move on a field with a monster, treasure or exit.

Whenever you move on a field with a monster combat commences. Your character has an assortment of attacks at disposal, from melee attacks to spells. You move the character with the mouse, and use shortcuts to cast spells, attack with melee weapons or drink potions in case you get hurt our run out of mana.

The combat levels are always the same. A limited room where monsters can come from left and right, which makes it extremely difficulty to fight against stronger monster types. You see, there are basic monsters on the map plus monsters with plus icons. Those are champions or unique monsters that you can only beat with great effort and a suitable character level.

Your character gains gold and experience with every fight, and monsters drop treasure which you can sell or equip. You sometimes get skill books that add new spells or skills to your repertoire, or improve already existing skills.

Each character class has an assortment of active and passive skills. The mage for instance can cast fireball, meteor and ice nova, and benefits from the passive skills mana recovery and magic mastery.


You get five stat points with each level up that you can use to improve the five stats strength, dexterity, vitality, intellect and willpower which have different effects. Vitality for instance increases your life, intellect your mana and strength your melee damage and the maximum weight of stuff that you can carry.

Items come in many shapes, from standard items to rare and unique ones with lots of bonus stats and effects.

Magi The Fallen World comes with many traits that make action role-playing games fun to play. It offers multiple character classes, leveling up, skills, different weapon types and unique equipment and quests.

If there is something to criticize it is the repetitive combat system. Different locations and different monster types would have gone along way here.

Still, if you are looking for a game that can keep you busy for an afternoon, then Magi The Fallen World may be that game.


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