Does HTML5 Really Need a Logo?
The W3C consortium has unveiled the new logo for the HTML5 web scripting language, but why have they done this and is it really necessary?
This has come as a surprise to many people as it's the first version of the HTML language to have a logo. This is no ordinary version of HTML though and the reasoning behind the new marketing campaign is both sensible and practical.
In a press-release the World Wide Web Consortium said...
"It stands strong and true, resilient and universal as the markup you write. It shines as bright and as bold as the forward-thinking, dedicated web developers you are. It's the standard's standard, a pennant for progress. And it certainly doesn't use tables for layout."
We're moving into an area of computing when we're breaking free of the legacy shackles of old. HTML 5 is an important step forward with this but many web-based companies and even individuals with their smaller websites might be hesitant to embrace the new standard.
People and companies naturally want the maximum number of people to be able to visit their website and today that's easy. I can remember only ten years ago though people shying away from the use of Flash because there simply weren't enough people with the Flash player software installed on their computers.
These days the Flash player is everywhere but HTML5 browsers aren't. There will be huge numbers of websites and companies watching the uptake of compatible browsers with a keen eye, and this will be one of the biggest ongoing stories for the next few years.
So it's reasonable and rational that the W3C should launch a logo and try to kick-start a marketing campaign to get HTML5 adopted early. We can only hope that they succeed. Here's to the HTML5 version of!
Why does every one suddenly hate tables??
a five year old kid certainly does it better. lol
I’m actually diggin’ the new logo. =)