Restore Classic Google Search Website

Martin Brinkmann
Jun 11, 2010
Updated • Feb 8, 2016
Google, Search

Google has made lots of changes to its search website in the past year. A few of the noteworthy, and often distracting changes, include the new fade-in homepage which only displays the search form until the visitor moves the mouse, the sidebar that is displayed on search result pages or design changes to buttons and other elements on the screen.

The Internet is full of users who complain about the new Google Search website, some say it is driving them insane, others that it now takes longer to search and a handful have even mentioned that they have switched to Bing instead because of the changes.

The Google Classic userscript offers a solution for Firefox, Chrome and Opera users who prefer the classic Google search interface over the new incarnation.

What does it do? It changes everything back to its former self. All interface elements are in the right position on the Google homepage, everything is directly visible and the dreaded sidebar is gone for good.

classic google search
classic google search

It even switches the buttons and every other element back to their old design, so no more rounded buttons for you design freaks out there.

Google Classic has been localized into many major languages which means that the local Google search engines should also be showing the classic interface.

Just download and install the Google Classic userscript in your web browser to undo all recent Google Search interface changes.

Update Google Classic has not been updated since 2010 which is a strong indicator that it wont work anymore. I suggest you use the search on the user script website to find related scripts that change the Google search layout back to a classic design.

At the time of writing, there does not seem to be a script that changes the current Google page to the classic one.

google search

The most recent version of Google Search looks and feels closer to the original version of search again. Google has done away with the sidebar for instance and displays additional search options and filters above the results listing.

Restore Classic Google Search Website
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Restore Classic Google Search Website
Find out how to change the current design and layout of Google Search to a classic version.
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  1. Roger Bean said on February 22, 2012 at 8:18 pm

    Me too – Give me back Classic –
    Chrome & iGoogle are a complicated cumbersome load of rubbish – I’ve just uninstalled them,
    Vote with your feet!

    1. Fritzie said on February 8, 2016 at 6:38 am

      I TRIED to uninstall them, and now my computer is screwed up.

  2. Brian T. Raven said on December 17, 2011 at 3:54 pm

    I live and die by Google. All I ask is that you don’t fuck with my Google CLASSIC home page. I want NOTHING on my Google CLASSIC home page. That is why it’s called CLASSIC. It’s really that simple. I understand your need to fuck with it; it’s in your nature. But you guys created something special here that no one else has. It’s called Google CLASSIC home page. Leave it alone. Please. Maybe you could create a special sandbox off in the corner for die-hards like me: people who get irrationally pissed off when you fuck with their Google CLASSIC home page. Just make a sign-up sheet for us and then leave us alone. We are your best customers – treat us that way!!!!! Other than that I love you guys with a passion and the world is most assuredly a much finer place with Google around. DFWMGCHP…Please. Thanks.

  3. michael said on November 8, 2011 at 2:32 pm

    i hate this fucking classic google

  4. Honey Korman said on October 26, 2011 at 8:28 pm

    P-L-E-A-S-E give me back the classic google homepage … just as it was!

  5. cliff bobo said on November 14, 2010 at 5:43 am

    I want my classic google homepage back

    1. richard said on August 6, 2019 at 12:22 am

      I am with you, now I relay on Opera and Firefox and even Microsoft edge. Give back my classical google or I will have your shit but ignore it. That is my way.

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