Look Up Local Time, Date And Weather Of Any Place In The World

Looking up information like the local time, local date or local weather can be helpful in certain circumstances.
Maybe you are planning a trip to another location and want to make sure to be prepared; maybe you do not want to miss the important video conference with that other company from China (or another country) or maybe you just want to know if you can call your buddy in the United States right now or might want to wait another few hours to do so.
Local time can be very important in these circumstances and probably several else. There are a lot of software programs and browser add-ons that display multiple time zones to the user. Firefox users for example can install the excellent Computer alarm clock and timer Simple Timer which displays a clock in the Firefox status bar.
Update: The web service is no longer available. We suggest you use a comparable free service such as TimeandDate.com instead.
Localti.me is an online service. The major benefit of it is the fact that it can be used to quickly look up the local time, local date and local weather without installing any software or plugin. All it takes is to enter a country, state or region to get the requested information. The service will display suggestions as soon as you begin typing a place, the name of a city for instance into the form on the site.
The results page lists the local time, local data and local weather along with other information about the selected location. These other information include maps (taken from Virtual Earth), Wikipedia information, the latest headlines, traveling information and pictures taken from Flickr and Panoramio.
Localti.me is a nice to have service for quickly looking up the local time, date or weather of a location in the world. The main problem that I have with is is that you cannot switch to a 24 hour format. If you are not used to the 12 hour format, you could have troubles converting the time to the 24 hour format.

if localti.me can create script for Ubiquity that would be great ;)
I just google/bing “time ” + city name or “weather ” + city name.