Mirror Fox Distributes Files To Multiple File Hosting Services

With the rise of file hosting websites came the desire to upload files to multiple file hosting services to have alternatives if an upload gets deleted by one file host. This had to be done manually back in the days but in the last months several services have appeared on the Internet that would distribute uploaded files to multiple file hosting services.
Mirror Fox is a rather new service that will distribute files that are uploaded to the website to 14 different file hosting services. The services has an upload limit of 500 Megabytes per file and can be used anonymously. Upload speed to the service and distribution speed was excellent during tests. Files with a size of about ten Megabytes were distributed almost instantly to the other file hosting services and available for download almost immediately.
Mirror Fox will create one url on their server that lists the links pointing to the uploaded file on the other file hosting websites. A status is displayed that indicates if the upload to the specific file hosting service was successful or a failure. The status will also display if the upload is still in progress.
The initial links that are pointing to the file hosting servers are routed through a Linkbucks advertisement page. This should not be a huge problem for most users who have the opportunity to copy and paste the direct links to the files afterwards.
Speed and performance are usually better if a service is new and not swarmed by users. It can very well be that the performance of the file uploading and mirroring service degrades with a rise in popularity.
Mirror Fox supports remote uploads as well. The user has to provide an url that is pointing to a file that is between 1 and 100 Megabytes in size. The service will automatically distribute the file to the various file hosting websites.
Update: Mirror Fox is no longer available. We suggest you check out Mirror Creator instead.
Nameserver trace for http://www.mirrorfox.com:
* Looking for who is responsible for root zone and followed g.root-servers.net.
* Looking for who is responsible for com and followed f.gtld-servers.net.
* Looking for who is responsible for mirrorfox.com and followed gal.oalto.com.
Nameservers for http://www.mirrorfox.com:
* gal.oalto.com returned (NORECORDS)
* pal.oalto.com returned (NORECORDS)