A Niche Marketer's SEO Toolbox

Melanie Gross
Jun 26, 2009
Updated • Dec 12, 2012

Each day there are hundreds of newcomers to SEO. Most of these newcomers have no idea what they're doing. Luckily, there are a ton of SEO tools that can help. The pitfall is that many of these tools require that users pay or the tools could just not work as intended. SEO is already competitive enough without people getting and paying for the wrong tools. Thus, the following list of must-have SEO tools has been compiled to help out those new to the SEO scene and even maybe some of the more seasoned web marketers.

FireFox - This isn't really a SEO tool per se, but more of a requirement. Most SEO tools on the Internet require FireFox and the reason is simple: FireFox allows plugins. FireFox is an amazing browser which has gained astounding ground since its release leaving Internet Explorer to the not-so-tech-savvy and those who are currently using Internet Explorer to download FireFox!

NoDoFollow - This is very handy tool to find whether links on a site are no-follow or do-follow. When doing SEO for Google, Internet marketers prefer their site's back links to be do-follow. Do-follow back links raise a website up in Google SERPs more so than no-follow links. It's important to know whether a site gives do-follow links or no-follow links when doing link building. The NoDoFollow Firefox plugin (yes, you're going to need FireFox for this one) allows link builders to differentiate between do-follow and no-follow links.

Google AdWords Keyword Tool - Anyone looking to earn money from creating and doing search engine optimization on niche sites will have to do keyword research. Those versed in SEO already know this, but there are a lot of SEO newbies out there who have neve rheard of keyword research. This is extremely important. Doing keyword research often means the difference of making cents or dollars online. It's a good idea to know which keywords make money and which don't before spending time and money doing SEO for a site. Doing keyword research prevents that time and money from being wasted -- most of the time. Surprisingly, there are a lot of people who don't even do keyword research!

SEO for Firefox Extension - This is a major time saver. Those who've ever had a full piggy bank as a child and counted out all the change before taking it to the bank where the teller just dumped the change into a machine that counts the change in a matter of seconds can appreciate the time saved with this addon. Those on dial-up will also appreciate this. When doing keyword research it's important to know the Google Page Rank of a site and how many back links from Yahoo of probably hundreds of sites depending on how many keywords researched. Instead of inputting each site into some online Page Rank checking and manually going to Yahoo to find how back links a site has, this tool allows Googlers to see ALL this information and more right in Google search when they're researching each individual keyword.

Website Marketing SEO Score Tool - This is actually pretty cool. This tool gives web site owners to see what's wrong with their website. This tool gives each site a score and tells what could be done differently. Of course, anyone can manually check all this stuff themselves, but this is great for a nice pick me up and it can be used as a learning tool.

All in One SEO Pack - Have a niche site? If so, you probably use WordPress. I'm not making fun of Blogger users, but those using WordPress do have a significant SEO advantage over those who use Blogger. If you're a niche site person like me, you've probably got WordPress. This tool configures WordPress blogs to be very SEO friendly and is highly popular among literally the whole niche marketing crowd. It's important not to use something because it's popular, but because it works. However, this is popular for a reason.


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  1. bookmark said on September 23, 2009 at 1:13 am

    very good aticles about seo thk so much

  2. Lesley said on July 31, 2009 at 5:40 am

    I use the all in one seo pack on my blogs…it’s great and certainly I’d hate to be without it!

  3. Trisha said on July 23, 2009 at 8:49 pm

    great list! I used the SEO Score tool, and found a BUNCH of stuff wrong with a custom template page. now its solid again, THANKS!

  4. [email protected] said on July 15, 2009 at 9:44 am

    very good aticles about seo thk so much

  5. Raven Tools Matt said on July 7, 2009 at 11:18 pm

    I find the firebug firefox extension to be invaluable if I need to get into code and look at each html element.

    Once you really get into running SEO campaigns the free stuff doesn’t cut it and using a paid toolset will save time, money, and sanity.

  6. Nicholas Simon said on June 29, 2009 at 5:27 am

    Funny, I just wrote about SEO tools, and not a single tool I wrote about is in here. I concentrated on completely different tools – Compete Site Analysis, Quarkbase for website information, Traffic Estimate (umm…estimate’s site traffic!), Website Grader for a complete site analysis and Google Global add-on for Firefox for easily conducting localized searches in Google (for instance if you live in UK but want Google results from .com instead of .co.uk without having to fiddle around)

    Check out my post here >

  7. SEO Services said on June 27, 2009 at 10:33 am

    Hi Melanie,

    Thanks for the nice sharing. I think now firefox supported more SEO tools, so we can’t go any more.

    Anyways Thanks again.

  8. SEO Rocks said on June 27, 2009 at 7:11 am

    Thank you for taking the time to put this list together on some SEO essentials. So many forget the basics and the things that make SEO a vital part of the web. Have a great weekend, and thanks again! Happy Business!

  9. hwsris said on June 26, 2009 at 12:41 pm

    I just use only Google AdWords Keyword Tool.

    Thanks Melanie and Phaoloo

  10. Phaoloo said on June 26, 2009 at 10:24 am

    May I add some more?
    + Google trends: see which keyword people are about to search with
    + Google sets: find the set of keywords related to yours
    + tools.seobook.com/keyword-tools/seobook/: my favorite keyword suggestion tool. It shows the number of search per day from Google, Yahoo and Microsoft (although some are not correct, but it’s good to know)

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