Free Zonealarm Pro Tomorrow
George send me the tip via email. Checkpoint, the developers of Zonealarm Pro, will hand out the software program for free tomorrow. To be precise, it will be free starting at 6 AM PDT on Tuesday 18 and remain so for the next 24 hours.
The url with the free offer will go live at the same time which is why it cannot be posted yet. It is likely that the following page will provide access to the download, it seems to be connected to the offer.
Users who download Zonealarm Pro will receive the software program for free including its one year subscription. The package would normally cost $39.95 for a year. The Zonealarm Pro suite contains a firewall and anti-spyware application.
The website will most likely be overrun tomorrow by thousands of users who want to grab their free copy. The best spots are probably to be among the first or download it in the second half of the day.
Why download this when you get the Zonealarm Internet Security for free as well? (only for a year though, but still better in my opinion)
All you need to do is subscribe to one of the sites and unsubscribe afterwards. No biggie.
Yep, you’re right Martin. Something things (the bullshit) never change. :))))
Lorissa is not it always the same? Company puts up free offer / patch / update /whatever, is surprised by the masses of users who visit the site, site goes down or becomes real slow, company is sorry and says that it was totally unexpected..
They never seem to expect although it is always the exact same order of events.
Here’s the problem (perhaps by design), once you provide ZA with your name and email address they send a password to the site where the actual program can be downloaded (supposedly). Unfortunately, one can NEVER connect to this site (supposedly) because it is down.
The link is given in the article above, click on page there. The site is live for about 30 minutes now and you can download it from there.
Here is the link again for your convenience.
Where is it at ? Link not working and I do not see an updated link posted.
Zonealarm was more of a resource hog and gave me more connection issues that I can count, last time I used it. In fact in terms of problems it put Norton to shame. With a little common sense and good anti-spyware and anti-virus Windows firewall will more than do. To be on the safe side Comodo is one option like already mentioned above.
Even the free version of Zonealarm Firewall is better than Windows, MKR.
ZomeAlarm is still around?
I just use Comodo or Windows’ own firewall to supplement my router.