Do You Want A Watch That Catches Attention?

Martin Brinkmann
Jul 31, 2008
Updated • Jan 2, 2013

Tokyoflash is a well known Japanese company that is producing lots of "I need to read the manual to read the time" watches on their website which surprisingly - for a Japanese company - offers an English section for its international visitors.

The prices for the watches start by roughly 8900 Yen which is about 80 US Dollars and go up to more than 99000 Yen which is more than 900 US Dollars. Most watches on the other hand are sold for $80-160 which is quite reasonable in my opinion as it is very likely that you will be the only one in your environment with such a watch.

It definitely takes some time to get accustomed to this new way of reading the time especially if you purchase one of the crazy blinking models that do not resemble a watch at all. Take a look at a few models to get a feeling for what they have on offer:

I guess people would have a hard time figuring out the exact time on any of the above watches.Would you get one of those?

The company has created and released a lot of watches in the meantime. When you visit their site now you are greeted with a selection of "crazy" watches that you need a manual for to understand how to read the time or operate them.

Take the new polygon watch for example. The twelve polygons on the outer ring display the hours, the six larger polygons on the inside are for the minute hand, and the figure inside depics the single minutes.

There are also always on LCD display watches with touch screens, or a watch that displays the time in words and not in numbers. If you are looking for a special watch, this may be the place to find one that is unique and special in every meaning of the word.


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  1. unruled said on August 1, 2008 at 7:37 am

    I like the one with the holes best, lol

  2. CHris said on July 31, 2008 at 10:33 pm

    I’d get them all except that one with the holes. 80 bucks is worth it.

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