Ask the Readers: What Keyboard are you using?

Martin Brinkmann
Jun 30, 2008
Updated • Nov 29, 2012

I just finished reading the review and comments about Das Keyboard on Slashdot which apparently seems to provide a better typing experience for a hefty price tag. In case you are wondering what Das Keyboard means it's a mix of German and English with Das Keyboard simply translating to The Keyboard.

The keyboard comes as a professional and ultimate edition with the only difference between the versions that the ultimate Keyboard ships with blank keys which should be fine for anyone who wants to improve his typing skills the hard way. (the first weeks will be rather painful I believe).

Well, I would not want to pay $80 - $129 for a computer keyboard and I usually prefer simple solid keyboards from manufacturers like IBM or Logitech that come without all those extra "multimedia" keys that modern keyboards seem to ship with. My keyboards are cheap usually but provide great feedback when pressing a key on it. I really don't feel comfortable with those thin Notebook like keyboards and those ergonomic keyboards that I usually throw at the next wall whenever I have to use them.

What type of keyboards do you prefer? Classic? Modern? Ergonomic? Uber? Multimedia? Let me know.

Update: I'm currently considering getting a mechanical keyboard for the first time in my life. Everyone is telling me that they are the best when it comes to typing all day long on a keyboard. I made the decision to jump into the water and order Das Keyboard, with key indicators, to test it for myself. It is certainly more expensive than your usual keyboard, but not more expensive than gaming keyboards which seem to be a trend recently.

I do not need media keys and all that stuff, but I know some who love it.


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  1. David said on July 6, 2008 at 3:45 pm

    I’m using Logitech DiNivo keyboard. Yes its expensive, but everyone who has typed on it has wanted one. It is the most incredible keyboard I have ever used in my life. There is no way that I could use any other keyboard now. Trust me, once you use it…you’ll never go back!

  2. Eric D said on July 3, 2008 at 1:39 pm

    I love ergonomic keyboards like the Microsoft Natural series. Unfortunately, nowadays, it is almost impossible to find one that has the insert/home/pageup keys placed correctly. The want to save space and turn them around:

    So my current keyboard is a Microsoft Naturall 4000, worth about 100$. And it’s a French layout but configured as a Belgian (not available). You have no idea how much this keyboard confuses my colleagues when they have to type something on it.

  3. washy said on July 2, 2008 at 10:04 pm

    i have a Das keyboard with the blank keys. it’s wonderful.

    it’s a keyboard with all the keys in the right place, incredibly easy to type on, and pretty noisy. lovely. although i do struggle with numbers a little!

    the keyboard is actually a rebadged cherry, with blank keys. we have the equivalent cherry keyboard too… equally good.

  4. Robin Siebler said on July 2, 2008 at 9:03 pm

    I use the Logitech G-15 Gaming Keyboard. It rocks! I haven’t gotten around to writing my own program for the LCD, but there are a good amount of them out there.

  5. Mex said on July 1, 2008 at 8:05 pm

    We always had four or five typewriters in the house; now I type too heavily for a laptop. I’m using a Keytronic Lifetime Artist (Black,) which is slowly turning into a “Das Keyboard” as the letters fade from the keys. (Still miss the old Royal typewriters!)

  6. Roman ShaRP said on July 1, 2008 at 10:05 am

    A4 Tech Anti-RSI Multimedia. KBS-8 in office, and simplier model at home.

    I used to type a lot, and those Anti-RSI layout is a bless for me.

  7. Alex said on July 1, 2008 at 7:09 am

    I’m using a microsoft natural ergo kb 4000, its fantastic. feels so luxurious =)

  8. Paco Gavavla said on July 1, 2008 at 5:01 am

    I use the mini-USB keyboard from
    It’s cheap and has everything I need and nothing I don’t.

  9. Abd said on June 30, 2008 at 11:35 pm

    I prefer the classic one. If possible, it should be flat. I don’t like these high-tech multimedia keyboards with hundreds of keys, which I’ll never use.
    I still use the keyboard which came with my PC, but maybe I will change to an ergonomic keyboard with smooth keys :)
    And: A good keyboard should be easy to clean!

  10. mark said on June 30, 2008 at 10:52 pm

    I’m still in the cromagnon age with my 101 key 15 dollar IBM keyboard…. never seemed to have a use for anything else, never like hitting those windows keys while gaming either.

  11. Arlo said on June 30, 2008 at 10:48 pm

    I have an older IBM basic black keyboard, but the thing I love about it is the heft. I’ve been using it for years and it really feels like it’s got some heavy duty metal in it. It’s just solid with a great response to hitting the keys.

    I keep thinking about getting a new keyboard, but I can’t justify spending the kind of cash I think I would need to spend to get one with the kind of durability this one has.

  12. BCK said on June 30, 2008 at 10:40 pm

    Saitek Eclipse 2, got it for 40 dollars around christmas and despite the cool look the keys feel great, and quite responsive. Plus with the lighted keyboard its easier to see what you are doing at night

  13. ZeXr0 said on June 30, 2008 at 10:26 pm

    I’m using a Dell Keyboard that came with my computer. It have a couple of multimedia key, but they are placed in a way that does not interfere with my typing.

    I’m using only the keys that controls the music as I use this keyboard at my job and I have to start/stop the music when someone wants to talk to me.

    I like it, and it have two usb ports (but they are not powerful) to be able to plug my mouse in it.

  14. Fedorov said on June 30, 2008 at 9:53 pm

    Saitek Eclipse II – I do a lot of Call of Duty 4 gaming but these keyboards are so good and smooth for typing on I gave one to everyone in the office and they just work and work and work. Highly recommended, they look cool with the 3 different colours and the price is excellent for what you are getting.

  15. Jakob said on June 30, 2008 at 9:30 pm

    A logitech with only the basic buttons. Sometimes the inbuilt laptop keyboard

  16. Colin said on June 30, 2008 at 9:10 pm

    Similarly to Cagliostro, I am using a low profile keyboard on my machine. Loved it so much I bought one for my PC at work too. Had to stick 2 x 3mm thick foam pads under it (near the extendible feet that I don’t use) in order to avoid a slight rattle, but these also make the angle perfect. The print on the keys seems hardy enough, but the plastic has become glossy on sections of high use in only a few months.

    (Note: – I went for the non-Klingon version… yes… I said Klingon!)

  17. Benóný said on June 30, 2008 at 9:07 pm

    I’m using a SteelSeries: Steelkeys 6G. And may I say it is the best keyboard I have ever used or tried. The keys are so nice and…. uhh “soft” I guess would best describe it, it’s like going from sleeping on the floor to a “King Size Astronaut” bed :D and it doesn’t have any of those extra “multimedia” keys :) but it cost me 150$ … but it’s worth it. P.s. each key has a little 24 karat gold piece inside for extra quality and it’s waterproof :P

  18. tehmiller said on June 30, 2008 at 8:51 pm

    I’m with Seb on this one, I love my G11. It’s massive though, which isn’t a problem for me, but its got a good feel, good key response, and the back lit keys are perfect for me.

  19. arturogoga said on June 30, 2008 at 8:42 pm

    Because I do a lot of typing, I tend to replace my keyboard constantly in search of the better one.

    So far, I have two favorites: Microsoft Ergonomic Natural Keyboard 4000, which is a great keyboard for typing.

    However, I find myself using more and more my latest aquisition: an Apple alluminium BT Keyboard. It’s really small and comfortable. Plus, it simply looks amazing.

  20. Seb said on June 30, 2008 at 8:39 pm

    I have a logitech g11 keyboard, and love it to pieces! I’ve use all its features- absolutely love it!

  21. Stefan said on June 30, 2008 at 8:30 pm

    I guess “Classic” is the term that describes my tastes best. I had a hell of a time finding a new keyboard when my precious last one finally gave up on me, though I gotta say, it was about time, since some keys had begun to evolve tiny holes in it ^^

    So, classic style, separated cursors, a 2×3 block for pgup, pgdown, end and their buddies (I loathe all other arrangements for these), and a decent *CLACK* when typing. And Cable. No wireless ever again for me. So, it’s a cheap logitech Classic 200 something for now, which was not too easy to get by in the small city I live in.

    Best Keyboard I ever owned though was one of Logitech’s Desktop-Series, cable-bound, smooth but reasonable rebound with some extra multimedia keys on it. I disabled – by taking out the keys – stuff like “Standby”, for obvious reasons, but the wheel for adjusting the volume and the ‘mute’-key next to it will be something I’ll be missing ’til death parts me with my current keyboard. Found some decent workaround though using a customized version of AutoHotkeys, which provides me with the same function via Hotkeys.

  22. Cagliostro said on June 30, 2008 at 8:23 pm

    I’m using the Enermax Aurora Black:

    Best keyboard i ever had.

  23. darkkosmos said on June 30, 2008 at 7:48 pm

    I like the modern or ergonomic ones, sometimes multimedia if they look really good :) as for “das keyboard” it’s a joke..

    “Das Keyboard sports best-in-class German-engineered mechanical key switches that provide tactile and audio feedback making typing a pure joy.

    I want to pay for my keyboard sounding like a typewritter? Even for me who lived in german for 5 years that sounds unbelievable. Anyway I’ve using diNovo Edge from legitech right now :)

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