Dear Spammers..
Hello to Alexqjm, Demetri and thousand other random usernames that you like to use to post fake comments to my website. You try to disguise your spammy messages by thanking me for the article, by asking a question, or posting some weird pseudo-random stuff instead.
What all have in common is that the links you post point to Viagra, Cars, Russian Brides, fake Rolex watches and other bullshit that no sane person would ever buy from a link that gets posted.
Your automatic spambots cause a lot of work for me. Since your posts automatically land in the moderation queue I have to click on the delete button about one hundred times a day which is not a pleasant thing to do. The next mark in Spam Karma will be 150000 spam comments, trackbacks and pingbacks that I had to delete.
Guess how many made it into the comments of my website? None! Why the fuck are you still spamming my site with your stupid automatic programs if there is ZERO chance that you comment will make it on the website? The only thing that you are achieving is that you are beginning to piss me off.
I therefor have decided to do the following:
- I whois the website that spams my blog and report it to the hoster of the domain name and webspace hoster. If this is run on a rootserver I contact the company that rents the server and report you there
- I will contact any advertisement company that has advertisement on your website and will notify them that you are spamming the Internet with your shitty comments which will hopefully lead to account closure.
- I will contact the ISP of the user who submitted the comment reporting the spam. Even if a proxy has been used I will report each and everyone
Let the war begin..
Update: To find out a domain owner you can use the service from
this reminds me to FIGHT BACK!!!
I second Lawliet’s suggestion of the BAD BEHAVIOR plugin. I have gotten from a hundred spam comments/pings a day to zero. It completely blocks these on contact (so no more wasted time). There’s a small chance for some false positives if someone is visiting your site excessively, but it does a heck of a job.
Hiddy WordPress plugin is a captcha like system to prevent from spam comment.
This plugin will add a simple input text in the comments form, this text will be hidden with a stylesheet and the when a user post a comment it will check for the input and check if it is empty.
So simple, so efficent.
Lennart the main problem is that most spam comments are already in a moderation queue and that I have to manually check them to decided if they are spam or not.
A report this button would not help that much therefor.
Maybe some kind of moderator system?
Something like this: User’s who are registered for a long time and have proven not te be spammers can get a moderator-status on this site. When the’re logged in and see a spam message, they just have to click on a ‘this-is-spam’ button. All this messages aren’t removed but hidden for public / moved to a special section (depends on the code). Martin can once in a while check this messages and delete them forever.
+ more people, less effort
– a spammer can act like a normal user to obtain a moderator status. But when a moderator spams once, his status can be easily blocked.
Yay! Go Martin!
Maintain the rage Martin!
Go Get them Martin … Hit them where it hurts most for them .. i am with you all the ..although i can do nothing to help you out.
If only GHACKS hadn’t been so famous :)
All the best.
I think the best way to avoid those really annoying bots would to implement captchas, like you stated above.
I got around this with:
a) Akismet (
b) Before Akismet, I forced users to register, so that way I only had to moderate their first comment.
good luck with that!1 KILL EM ALL.
No they do not have that Jesse. Even if they would have it would still be possible to determine who is hosting the service by looking at the IP, you just don’t get the name of the administrator / owner and his email.
Do any of them ever have whois privacy
maybe you can use a question capti mod
eej Lennart, you have very nice Rolexes on your site but I also have nice products on my website whahaha sorry martin, feel free to delete this comment whahaha
Again sorry for my bad sense of humor, but I already pressed on the submit button :p
That is right, most captchas are no challenge for the bots. I guess it would be different if I would implement a captcha of the type: Pick the three cats out of those nine animals.
They swap domains, emails and IPs after a few spam attempts and the only solution that I can see is to ban .cn and .info domains altogether and probably some other domains as well from being able to comment at all. But there is not a plugin for this yet.. none that I would knew of..
Martin, good article and I hope its also a good way to stop spamming. If you ‘ve done the thinks you have written and you really get less spam, pleas tell us in another article.
I also got spam but by the mail address of my website, its really annoying.
My tip:
And what about hacking the website of those asseholes and deleting whole the server. I think that’s a step better than your tips Martin hehe. Try it, because it really works!! whahaha
@Max: Simple captchas like that can be worked out rather easily by bots.
More info here: Has CAPTCHA Been “Broken”?.
Why don’t you put some sort of captcha on? Like enter a word, or solve a simple math equation (2+2=?). A bot can’t do those, and it will save you a ton of time with the comments.
I also do get spam but spam karma prevents them from being posted as a comment but still every time I open my e-mail, spam karma reports that it blocked 2-4 spam comments.
I don’t know what this creatures achieve in doing so.
Would captchas help, keeping out at least the not-so-elaborate, run-of-the-mill spambots?
Good for you. Don’t take no shit…
I feel your pain, Martin. Although I don’t get as much spam as you do right now, it is starting to grow. Just now I saw that a spammer registered on my site, probably hoping to get on good terms with my spam detector.
bravo! martin. more bloggers need to join in the battle. i do agree with radu, however.
Why don’t you try the Bad Behaviour plugin @ to block contents from being served to bots?
Ups, what language do you use! I understand that you are agry, but the f word? You are above the spammers. Remove the word.
You’re so right. The problem is that spammers don’t care about this.
Maybe, Martin, you could start a worldwide anti-spam offensive. Every blogger worldwide reports spam through a protocol. If the spammers spam 1.000 site’s and 100 site’s are cooperating, the ISP or the
Oh, but aware – you piss them off! I once had a bluefrog account and i got personalised email that i had to stop spamming the spammers (huh?)
ps – Please visit my site to buy cheap Rolex
Agree with you… Those freckled, eyeglassed, miserable, addicts try to make money overnight.
(Not you Martin)
No not really. I could disable comments but this would take immense value and experience away from this blog.
I thought about a plugin that would automatically block a) certain domain extensions such as .cn or .info and b) to block any comment that is not only using a root url but is pointing to a specific page.
can they be blocked by some wordpress plugin like spam karma..