Ghacks Two Year Anniversary
What began as a blog to promote a software that a friend of mine has written turned to be into something bigger - much bigger. I never thought about the possibility to make a living from blogging in the beginning but I can tell you that much: it is possible to do that.
I met a lot of friendly, nice people on my way. I don't have the time nor memory to mention all of them but I would like to take the time and thank several people in particular who have helped or supported me in one way or the other. In no particular order, here they come:
You I would like to thank you, each and everyone of you who support me by visiting my blog, commenting on articles, sending in tips, reporting errors or any other way of aiding my journey into problogger heaven. I would not be here without your support.
Everton from Connected Internet My blogging partner. We share the knowledge we gather. Be it new advertising schemes, plugins, tricks, tips and everything else. I would not be where I'm without him.
Tobey He is sending in lots of interesting stories that I publish at ghacks under my name. His interests are a little different from mine and I'm happy that he supports me especially when I'm on holiday ;)
Thunder7 Sends me interesting links from time to time which is a real help as well.
Alain Mevellec a nice and helpful guy who helped me create the old ghacks logos.
Syber Wo is running the Chinese version of Ghacks. He is doing a tremendous job translating almost any article into Chinese. A real workaholic.
Jonathan is translating my articles into Spanish on the Spanish version of my blog.
Eddie Corbano A friend who recently began blogging with whom I discuss everything related to blogging.
Sammy and Stefan Colleagues from work. We discuss a lot of blogging related matters there.
Google I would not be where I'm without Google. They send the majority of traffic to my site and pay me the most money from advertisement.
Text-Link-Ads< A friendly helpful company that I love to deal with.
Tribalfusion A cpm company that I'm a member of.
Intellitxt The links with double underlines ? They are my second biggest earner and I'm looking forward to implement their code on my other websites.
Hi Martin,
Really glad u made it through this post !
I didn’t do as good because (I think) I write in french (smaller audience) but even more because I tend to launch startups too frequently ( is my last). This is too much time consuming to seriously drive a blog.
Anyway, I still read you frequently and think you’re doing a really good job :-)
Cheers, again.
(and don’t hesitate if u need any photoshop done, I’ve switched on a mac and it’s a real treat)
Congrats Martin. I’m sure we’ll keep growing together in the future
it’s incredible but i have only 1 rss know what? It is that of ghacks. simply love this site.keep up.greetings from mauritius(google maps may help :) )
I can’t IMAGINE booting any Web Browser and not See gHacks just about everywhere!!!!!!
You massively dominate my everyday life on the Web and are responsible for the 10,116 BOOK MARKED Sites I have…….
How do I know THAT exact #! AM-Deadlink Tells me every day there is not a “Dead-Link” among my Files.
Cheers to Your 2 Years as THE Blog artist! You are an Artist above all other Artists!!!!
Thanks Martin,
I am really glad to have such a great opportunity to contribute a tiny little bit of myself and my ideas here.
Good luck to the future :)
Yours is the blog that got me hooked on new software and other tech stuff. All I can say is ‘keep it up Martin’.
Hi this is my favourite blog ,i visit this blog daily :)
Happy 2nd anniversary ghacks!
gHacks rocks!!
Congratulations Martin.
I know how hard it is to write useful and accessible content on a daily basis, so kudos to you for doing it for two years running and counting.
Ditto the previous posters: happy birthday! :)
Happy birthday gHacks!
I would like to thank you Martin for keeping this blog daily updated. Really this is my favourite one :)
Greetings from Poland :)
1st MASSIVE congratulations and keep up the mission!
2nd, why do most of your intellitxt ads appear in German for me? I’m in Finland, my Location is Finland, my OS is Finnish language XP Pro, I use Firefox (Finnish)…
Happy 2nd anniversary!