Stream your Screen like an Overhead Projector

Martin Brinkmann
Sep 23, 2007
Updated • Feb 20, 2013
Software, Windows

What do you normally do if you want to share your screen with someone else who is not sitting in the same room ? You could use a software like Screen Stream to stream the contents of your monitor to the other person so that he would be able to see your actions on his monitor.

Most streaming video softwares require that every participant is downloading some kind of software that connects the users so that the screen can be shared. Screen Stream on the other hand requires that only the user who streams his screen is installing the software while all others are able to view the contents using their browser.

This approach is of course far better because the danger of making configuration errors is only given for the computer that streams it
s screen. The setup of Screen Stream is not complicated at all, just make sure you do not install any additional software when asked during setup unless you want to do so. They are not needed for running Screen Stream.

Once installed Screen Stream tries to use port 89 to stream the contents. You can give it a try by opening localhost:89 in your browser to see if it is working. I suggest you protect the screen with a password which you can set in the options. If you do not need audio or mouse movement you could disable that to safe bandwidth.

The quality of the output is fine enough to be able to read text on the screen of the streaming computer but the updates are not in real time. It takes a second or two until the contents are updated in the browser. This probably depends on the speed and line of the streaming computer.

This is therefor fine for presentations, a Powerpoint presentation for instance would be doing fine here. This is not good enough if you want to stream time critical images, be it games, videos or anything else that needs a constant output image.

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Screen Stream
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  1. ruben said on September 24, 2007 at 7:47 pm

    okay thanks. I will try it. I think it’s a really handy software for helping some people I know, without going to their home.

  2. Martin said on September 24, 2007 at 4:05 pm

    Ruben yes it supports XP, 2000 and Vista. The client only needs an web browser.

  3. ruben said on September 24, 2007 at 2:04 pm

    is this software vista ready?

  4. Martin said on September 23, 2007 at 11:54 pm

    Well I would mention it if I would encounter any problems which I did not.

  5. linuxeventually said on September 23, 2007 at 10:41 pm

    Shortly after installing Screen Stream, computer froze and upon loading Windows desktop lock-up occurred. Uninstall via safe mode was required. Martin have you extensively tested this software?

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