Weather Forecast for your iPod

Martin Brinkmann
Jan 13, 2007
Updated • May 26, 2013
Apps, Mobile Computing

The iPod gets more and more functionality that only PDA and mobiles have at the moment. Today, it is a straightforward weather forecast app which can be updated every time the iPod is connected to the computer that is running the Weather For Me software.

Using weather for me is actually pretty simple. After you have downloaded the software you have to enter your name and email (or fake ones).

After that you have to configure the program by adding a city or location that you want the program to display weather information for, as well as a couple of related settings.

You can select between English and Metric units and opt to save the forecasts. You will have to supply a city code to the program which can be obtained by visiting the my forecast website and entering the city of your choice.

Every city has a code in its url that starts with city= ; the number behind that is the city code which needs to be added to weather for me.

The last step would be to click on the button download weather now to my iPod which will download and add the weather information to your iPod. Weather for me has a autosync option which is a command line parameter.

To sync the data automatically with the iPod you need to create a shortcut on your system that points to the program file and add the parameter -sync to it.You still need to add it to the autostart of windows so that this happens whenever Windows starts automatically.

Update: The Weather for me application is no longer available on the website it has been offered on, and we have removed the link as a consequence. We have uploaded the latest working version of the weather application for the iPod to our own servers. To download it, simply click on the following link: (Download Removed)


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  1. Indumener said on December 15, 2009 at 2:31 am

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    Just registered and wanted to say hello.

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