Etsy the Ebay for handmade goods

Etsy is a website where people can buy and sell (only) homemade goods. Everything is neatly categorized and accessible through various innovative methods such as colors where you choose a color and the site displays everything that is offered in that color. Anyway, there is also the traditional way of clicking through categories like Furniture, Children and Weddings.
Don't expect to find anything mainstream on Etsy though, most stuff looks pretty unique and would probably make great presents for friends and loved ones. The toy section with its dolls looks nice and the teddy bears and dolls would surely make children happy. Most sellers seem to come from the United States but some Europeans seem to also use Etsy to sell their wares.
Oh, they also got a bags and purses category. Any women left on my site? Just kidding. How about shoes? Knew i got the last one with this one, hehe.
So, it is a big crafting community where users can buy or sell items directly. Much like eBay, but only for crafted items
What can I say. Etsy is a real nice site and I surely will use it to buy presents to women and children (mainly) in the future. Let me know what you think of this.
The front page highlights several hand picked items that you can take a closer look at. This usually includes popular items or items that will soon become very popular. There are also featured shops on the front page that you can take a closer look at. A designer and some of the designer's products are showcased here. Below that you find a listing of recently added items which seems to update a lot highlighting how popular the site actually is.
You can use the local items filter to only find items that are made in the country, state or city you are currently living in. Examples here are wood carvings from New York, steampunk from Germany or t-shirts from California.
The site seems to have risen in popularity in countries outside of the United States. You find a large collection of items from Germany, the UK or Japan. I highly suggest you enable the "ships to" filter to make sure that only goods that the seller will ship to your location are displayed on the site.
You find a men category on the site as well know which offers some very interesting and cool items such as the watches that you see on the screenshot above.
- You can change the site language, currency in which items are priced and the country you are located in at the bottom of every page.
- Use the locale search to only find products in your city, state or country.
- You can filter items on all category pages so that either only handmade items or vintage items are displayed, or both.