Websites with high quality wallpapers

Spam free wallpaper websites are rare these days and it does not happen every day that I find a new one which has enough quality wallpapers to get a recommendation on my site. The "Don't love me website" is one of those which really deserves it.
They offer more than 2000 quality wallpapers in about 20 categories ranging from 3D over Girls to XP wallpapers.
All wallpapers seem to be available in the format 1024 * 768 which is a slight drawback because higher resolutions become more common.
My resolution for instance is 1280 * 1024 which means that I have to stretch the images to fit the screen. The only other drawback is that they disabled the right-click on the site. Can be easily bypassed by disabling JavaScript though even though it does not really make that much of a difference to be honest.
I still think it is a nice site because it is completely spam free.
Update:Â The wallpaper website is no longer available. We have removed the link pointing to it from the article as it makes no sense to keep it up any longer. We do have a couple of alternatives for you that provide you with a lot of high quality wallpaper images for your computer.
Interface Life is a popular wallpaper site that has been around for a long time. It features some of the highest quality wallpaper images that you find on the Internet. All wallpaper images are offered for various resolutions, and the site has been programmed to automatically detect your current screen resolution to offer images that are offered in that resolution to you.
You can sort wallpapers in a variety of ways, for instance by resolution which can be handy if you are looking for wallpapers for one of your other devices.
Then there is Hubble Site which offers images that were shot by Hubble. If you like stars and constellations, this site is for you as you will find a great selection of high quality background images on the site.
Wallbase is another high profile wallpaper site that offers more than 1.7 million wallpapers. What's great about it is that you can customize your searches in different ways. You can for instance search by palette, category or tags, and filter results based on screen resolution, aspect ration and other data that you enter.
If you like abstract wallpapers, paintings and fancy graphics of all kinds, Simple Desktops may be worth a visit. The site offers a big selection of "artsy" wallpapers that you can download and add to your desktop.
Other wallpaper sites:
- The Paper Wall - Allows you to search background images by category, date, popularity or resolution.
- 4 Walled - A bare bones site offering a great library of images.
- Desktop Nexus - Another long standing site for wallpapers. Currently hosts more than 1 million wallpapers for you to download.
- Space Flight NASA - If Space is your "thing", you find lots of images here that you can set as your system's wallpaper.
Nice sources :( but unfortunately Wallbase is no longer available.
You should remove it and maybe update with new galleries such as , , , …
Yes is good. There is also they have super hi-res wallpapers there most of them available for widescreen. Also try they have high quality pics of celebs, some of the stuff on there is NSFW.
have you tried searching for wallpapers? There’s really some nice highquality ones on there