Check your bookmarks
Checking the bookmarks that I have saved to the bookmarking service is a boring and long lasting task that is better not performed manually depending on the number of bookmarks that you have saved to the service.
Even if you have only saved a hundred or so bookmarks, you will spend some time clicking on each link to verify that the website it points to still exists.
I discovered the small Java application Fresh some time ago which automates the process for you. It checks all bookmarks stored on automatically so that you do not have to do so.
You do need the java virtual machine to execute the jar file though so keep that in mind before you start to download the program. After that you only have to supply your login and password to and click on the Fresh button.
All bookmarks in that account on will be analyzed and added to a list of bookmarks. A green background color means that the link is correct and working, a red one that an error happened while trying to connect to the website. This does not necessarily mean that the link is broken. It could mean that the site is currently down for instance.
A view only filter displays only certain bookmarks if activated. It is possible to set the filters that way that only links are displayed that were not working at the time of the check. A manage wrong posts button makes it easy to delete erroneous bookmarks after x tries of connecting to the server.
Update: The program has last been updated in 2007 which is a strong indicator that the program has been abandoned by its developer, and that it may not be working anymore. As you may now, Delicious' ownership changed recently and it is likely that at least some changes were made to the site that prevent the program from working properly.
Check out our updated guide on checking your Delicious bookmarks for broken links.