Disco Nitro unveils appealing Party Animals offer

Kerem Gülen
Nov 1, 2023
Updated • Nov 1, 2023

Party Animals users have a golden opportunity: they can snag a month's subscription of Discord Nitro completely free of charge, starting from October 31, 2023, at 5PM PT, running up until December 29, 2023, at 8PM PT. Dive deeper to understand the intricacies of this exclusive collaboration.

Exploring Discord Nitro x Party Animals collab

You can secure a month-long Discord Nitro experience without any charges.

Eligibility factors:

Never had the Nitro experience? You're in luck. Users who've steered clear of any active Nitro membership on their Discord account can tap into this offer.

Been on the Nitro train before? If you've embraced the Discord Nitro, Nitro Classic, or even the Nitro Basic membership within the last year, this promotion isn't for you.

Already a subscriber to Nitro Basic, Nitro Classic, or Server Boosting, but never activated a full Nitro membership? Opting for this deal will replace your current plan. Note: There's no turning back; you'll be bidding adieu to any residual membership duration.

Disco Nitro unveils appealing Party Animals offer

The deal isn't global. If you're met with an "Unknown Gift Code" error at the redemption stage, this promotion remains elusive for your region. For a detailed rundown, check out the dedicated Help Center article.

Make your move before the clock strikes 8PM PT on December 29, 2023. Claim the offer via Party Animals and promptly redeem it on your Discord account.

Loved the Nitro experience? After relishing the one-month free trial, the Nitro subscription automatically morphs into a monthly plan. Discord handles the billing, charging your preferred payment method every month. Need a change? Opting out is hassle-free; visit your Discord User Settings to cancel anytime.

Stay tuned for more updates and ensure you make the most of this unique Party Animals and Discord Nitro collaboration!

Disco Nitro unveils appealing Party Animals offer

What is Discord Nitro?

Discord Nitro is a premium subscription service on Discord that provides users with the following features:

  • HD video streaming.
  • A 500MB limit for file uploads.
  • Customization options for profile and avatar.
  • Two free Server Boosts.
  • Access to custom emojis.
  • Multiple color themes for the Discord app.
  • Enhanced reactions for messages.
  • Additional avatar decorations.
  • Special server profiles.
  • Additional benefits for both Nitro and Nitro Basic subscribers.

What is Party Animals?

Party Animals is a physics-driven competitive game that throws players into chaotic brawls as an array of animals. From the playful puppies and kittens to the more unanticipated participants like sharks, dinosaurs, and the mythical unicorns, players have a plethora of choices.

Not just restricted to fisticuffs, animals can employ an array of moves like jumping, kicking, and headbutting. Add to that the ability to arm themselves with various weapons, and you have a riot on your hands. However, every player needs to be cautious; sustain enough damage, and they'll find themselves momentarily incapacitated. While they can generally bounce back into the action, there's the ever-present danger of being flung off the map or meeting their end via in-game hazards.

Party Animals doesn't hold back when it comes to diversity in gameplay. Boasting 20 unique maps, players can engage in three distinct modes:

  • Last Stand: A true test of endurance, players grapple to emerge as the last animal standing, eliminating adversaries along the way.
  • Team Score: This mode is a balanced mix of strategy and chaos, as it pits two teams of four players each against each other. The objective? Completing a specific task faster than the opposition.
  • Arcade Mode: Reminiscent of Last Stand, but with a team twist. Here, two teams (again, four players each) strive to decimate the other side completely.

Disco Nitro unveils appealing Party Animals offer

How to redeem the Nitro Promo from Party Animals account?

Log into your Party Animals account and you should see an in-game menu that mentions the Party Animals x Discord Nitro promo.

  • If you're not currently logged into Discord via your browser, the system will direct you towards two options:
    • Create a new account: For users who are new to Discord, there's an option to sign up and establish a new account.
    • Sign in to your existing account: If you're an existing Discord user, simply enter your email and password, or utilize the QR code functionality to log in.
  • After logging in, a prompt will appear, ensuring that you are activating the Nitro promo on the intended Discord account.
  • If your Discord account lacks payment details, you'll be prompted to provide them. (Note: You won't incur any charges until the completion of the free trial, post which standard membership fees will apply.)
  • Upon furnishing all the required data and ensuring your readiness to avail the promotion, click on the "Accept Gift" option.
  • Post acceptance of the promo, the system will direct you towards the Subscriptions section within User Settings. Here, you'll be able to view and confirm the activation of your new Nitro membership.

Enjoy your Nitro Promo benefits through your Party Animals account.


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  1. Anonymous said on November 1, 2023 at 6:48 pm

    Guilded.gg offer many of the discord nitro features for free, if only people stopped supporting these terrible apps like Discord because they are popular and besides grabbing all people’s data and keep it forever (to use it as a business when investors are gone) and actually used the brain to choose the best, guilded would already offer many more features for free and bots and users without having to use one of the worst and less private alternatives when it comes to messaging.
    Nitro is a scam, and nothing it charges should be behind a pay wall.
    There is also Revolt, but it doesn’t offer much, and people who join are weird and with the excuse “you can host your own revolt instance’, then, they act weird towards people.

    But for example, Guilded doesn’t even asks for phone number or anything, something discord does.

    Of course, since even companies force you to join discord servers, then people are always force to use discord and don’t give Guilded or anyone else a try.

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