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Brave browser for iOS now allows you save media and play it later with the new Playlist feature

May 8, 2021
Brave, Internet

Brave browser for iPhone and iPad has a new feature called Playlist. This option allows you to save media content from around the web and play it later from a convenient list.

Brave browser for iOS now allows you save media and play it later with the new Playlist feature

Let's see how to use the Brave Playlist. You will need to be on the latest version of the iOS app, i.e. Brave browser 1.25, to access the playlist feature. Open the browser on your iOS device, and go to any site that contains an audio or video, e.g. YouTube. Aside from media streaming services, you may also open webpages that contain an embedded video, like blogs or social networks. But it really depends on the website, the Amazon Prime video website for example does not support Brave.

Brave browser for iOS - add to playlist banner

Brave will display a banner prompting you to add the video to the playlist, tap on it to save the content for later. You can do this manually too, tap and hold your finger on the video that is being played, and you will see the Add to Playlist option appear in the context menu.

Brave browser for iOS - add to playlist

To access your Brave playlist, tap on the three dot button in the top right corner of the browser's interface. Select the Playlist menu item, and the app will list display the content that you added to it. The playlist's GUI resembles a full screen video player.

Brave browser for iOS - access playlist from menu

The playback controls lets you play, pause, rewind, fast-forward, and loop the video. You can change the playback speed by 1x, 1.5x and 2x times the normal speed. Cast the video on other devices with the AirPlay button.

Brave browser for iOS - playlist player

You can also control the playback from the iOS lockscreen, this is very useful for background playback.

Brave playlist ios - control playback from lockscreen

The PiP (Picture in Picture) button in the top right edge, can be used to play the videos in a compact video while you browse other sites, even if you switch to other apps, e.g. while you are chatting with a friend on a different app, using a social media app, or just on the device's homescreen. And yes, PiP mode works with YouTube videos too. The best part is that you can watch the content without ads.

Brave browser for iOS -playlist picture in picture mode

To manage your Brave playlist, tap the button in the top left corner. The browser lists your videos in a side-panel. You may rearrange the order of the videos by dragging and dropping them. The app places new videos at the top of the list.

Brave browser for iOS - playlist settings

Brave Playlist downloads the media to your device for offline viewing/listening, that's why you see the video size in the side-bar. Head to the browser's menu, Playlist and toggle the setting called "Auto-save for offline". This will force the browser to stream the content instead of downloading it. There are a couple of interesting options that can resume the playback from the previous position, auto-play the playlist.

According to the official announcement, Brave Playlist is also coming to Android and Desktop users later this year. Don't bother trying to sync the playlist between your iOS device and desktop version of Brave (it has a similar playlist button), I already did that and it doesn't work.

Brave browser for iOS now allows you save media and play it later with the new Playlist feature
Article Name
Brave browser for iOS now allows you save media and play it later with the new Playlist feature
We take a look at the new Playlist feature in Brave browser for iOS. Here's how you can use it to save media and play it later.
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  1. hopeful onlookers said on May 9, 2021 at 7:58 pm

    Anti-Brave Trolls vs. Brave Trolls, get the popcorn!

  2. Anonymous said on May 9, 2021 at 11:27 am

    >You can also control the playback from the iOS lockscreen, this is very useful for background playback.

    Does this also jumps to next playlist entry automatically? Would be useful for Youtube, especially if you could easily copy/convert entire YT playlists into Brave playlist.
    Looks like a nice feature but I’ll still have to stick with Safari because of content blockers. Last time I tried Brave on iOS it’s adblocking capabilities were pretty lackluster.

  3. Jim said on May 8, 2021 at 9:44 pm

    Funny how an advertising company pretending to be a browser is doing a better job than Firefox. At least Brave has a way to generate money and does not rely on a certain company.

  4. FirefoxIsFallingBehind said on May 8, 2021 at 9:35 pm

    Why do you care about what browser people are using? At least they are adding features and improving their browser unlike a certain company.

    1. Jak Dorpsy said on May 9, 2021 at 4:30 pm

      No, it only shows you don’t even know what the “issue” was about, if you say “hijacking typed URLs”…. that shows your complete lack of information or judgement or intelligence since you are pretty much saying something that is not true.
      Most people like you who hate Brave because they are Brave and they are trying to fix advertising and using tokens/Crypto, You are the kind of people who fill the gaps of an issue with lies and misinformation or just write opinions that don’t even matter in the real world like those links you sent.

      I mean, you don’t have to trust Brave, you don’t even need to pay attention to Brave, why don’t you ignore them? why people like you always have to bring the “oh typed URLs” that happened almost a year ago and was fixed in 2 days, issues that happen all the time… I mean, are you going to tell me all the software you use never had an issue or a decision they had to revert? This typed URLs stuff wasn’t even a real issue, it was only haters having an excuse to hate more on Brave wile giving lies to gullible people to hate on Brave too, people who read headlines or opinions and forget about common sense and logic and what is one of the functions of the brain for.

      But congratulations, you can keep nitpicking issues of Brave has had in the past to justify your comment. The real question should be:

      Are you going to do the same with every other browser?

      Because if you do, then I don’t know who you are going to trust, because then you will find out how Brave is not the most terrible company ever compared to the others, especially Mozilla.

      But it is kind of funny how you think Brave is so evil, and you call them “advertising company” (just like other people) and I have never seen a Brave ad in my life, so they must be a terrible advertising company if they let me choose to see or not ads. I know people can get some money while seeing Brave ads, last time someone said $200 in a year, but I really don’t want to open that can of worms and bend my arm because of some money and do all it has to be done to use that money… sounds nice but nah, but I know some people don’t think like I do, and obsess over Brave ads and BATs, but it is their choice, I am not forced to, unlike google ads that are always shown in your face unless you use an adblocker, but then people will start screaming “adblockers evil” “stealing from people” but I never agreed to see ads, company like google only abuse them because they can.
      Just look what Amazon is doing with twitch, they even got to the point of blocking people who have adblockers turned on to watch streams, they are trying to force them or “be forced to buy the twitch prime” and while people and streamers get couple peanuts Bits for watching ads, Amazon is getting tons of money from them in the name of “support”, I mean, people could just send them a check on the mail to support the streamer directly without anyone getting a “cut”, but oh well.

      The point is, are you going to tell me Amazon and Google and other ad business are better compared to what Brave is trying to do? Brave ads don’t even grab your information and send it to Brave company for the ads to be generated and relevant to you. So it is weird when people say lame excuses how and why Brave is a terrible company to trust, of course, I expect people like you to bring stuff about Brendan Eich and whatever reason you can dislike him to justify your dislike for Brave, I have heard it all and most stuff people say it is dumb and makes no sense.

    2. Iron Heart said on May 9, 2021 at 6:01 am

      @Anti-Brave Troll

      > https://aspenuwu.me/blog/dont-use-brave/
      > https://www.kevinmuldoon.com/do-not-use-brave-browser/
      > https://www.coinsnews.com/if-you-care-about-privacy-dont-use-brave

      Scare crow opinion pieces, I won’t even bother at this point.

      > https://www.theverge.com/2020/6/8/21283769/brave-browser-affiliate-links-crypto-privacy-ceo-apology

      You are very creative, that literally never came up before:


      I guess you also screech in pain when literally every browser adds its own referral whenever you perform a web search, or is that kind of criticism hypocritically only limited to Brave? Also, completely unrelated to privacy.

      > https://gadgets.ndtv.com/internet/news/brave-browser-allows-facebook-twitter-trackers-despite-promising-privacy-1991663

      Same old fake news never dies, they didn’t whitelist any trackers:


      > https://ramble.pw/f/privacy/2387/brave-browser-leaks-your-tor-onion-service-requests-through

      This got fixed already:


      In summary:

      – 3 x scare crow opinion pieces without substance
      – 1 x case of common business practice that is 100% unrelated to user privacy
      – 1 x fake news
      – 1 x actual privacy issue that was an unintentional bug and got resolved very quickly

      Very convincing indeed. Any other white nights of Deplatformingfox wishing to contribute?

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