Google implements "always show full URL" option in Google Chrome

Chromium, the open source part of the Google Chrome browser, got a new experimental flag recently that, when enabled, added a context menu option to the address bar to show the full URL of the active site. My take on the initial feature was that it was more or less worthless as it only showed the full 'URL for that site; a reload, click on a link or the loading of a new address would return to the crippled status quo.
It appears that the Chromium developers were not finished with the implementation. If you use Chromium or Chrome Canary with the flag enabled, you will notice that it has been turned into a toggle.
A right-click on the URL in the Chrome address bar and the selection of "Always show full URLs" toggles the feature.
When enabled, Chrome will always show the full URL of the active site including the protocol that is used and the www/m part if it is used by the site. The default state is disabled and Chrome will omit the information in that case.
Google plans to roll out the feature in Chrome 83 Stable. The company announced recently that it will skip Chrome 82 due to the Coronavirus pandemic so that Chrome 83 will be the next stable version of the web browser.
Google Chrome users who run Chrome Canary (or Chromium) currently may enable the new feature in the following way:
- Load chrome://flags in the web browser's address bar.
- Search for Context menu show full URLs or load chrome://flags/#omnibox-context-menu-show-full-urls directly.
- Set the status of the experimental flag to enabled.
- Restart the web browser.
- Right-click on the address in Chrome after the restart and check the "Always show full URLs" context menu option.
Chrome will display the full page address from that moment on for all visited sites.
Closing Words
Finally, an option to show the full page URL again in the Chrome web browser (without having to install a browser extension). I still think it is ridiculous that Google removed the information in first place (and that other browser makers followed). Vital information like the URL should never be manipulated in my opinion.
Now You: Full URL or just some part of it, what is your preference? (via Techdows)

Not showing for Win7 Chrome v81.0.4044.113 64bit official
Giving how sensitive is the address bar, hiding information related to the URL is just aiding the criminals. A clear example of hiding information it is what happens in a phone where the browser’s display area of the address bar is reduced, allowing people to believe they are connected to when the full address could be one such as So, Google don’t be evil.
Hi all,
my browser is:
Version 80.0.3987.149 (Official Build) snap (64-bit)
= latest available version in the “Chrome Web Store”
under Ubuntu Linux 18.04, 64bits
As per Ghacks article instructions,
I entered the address:
but I do not see the option:
“Context menu show full URL”
help! what am i missing?…
Martin had stated in his article: “Google plans to roll out the feature in Chrome 83 Stable”.
I am uncertain how Google Chrome and Chromium’s version numberings compare, but perhaps the version you are using precedes the feature.
I’m face the same issue. This option used to appear in chrome://flags in previous versions. Now I can no longer find it. (80.0.3987.149)
It really pissed me off when Google removed the flag in the first place.
What the hell is wrong with these companies? always changing things just for the sake
Of changing things.
Martin asks…
Full URL or just some part of it, what is your preference?
I’m betting most visitors to Ghacks want every bit of info in the URL. Google, MS and Mozilla know that we are a minority. They’re not going to make money on us – from me at least – and aren’t going to waste time on us. Their desire to make money conflicts with our desire for privacy and control.
When power users are deprived from privacy and control by Google, MS and Mozilla, this ends hurting everybody too. It’s not the selfish minority vs the supposed needs of the majority, like they say to justify their ceaseless attacks on user rights. It’s all users against those greedy digital tyrants. And they know that they are going to make money whatever they do because they have a monopoly.
Finally sanity prevails.
another big plus for Vivaldi since they have always had the option, either way, in up-front settings
The real question is why Google ever wanted to hide any parts of the URL to begin with. The reason given was to “remove clutter” (which was just a BS excuse). Usability and security demand some level of clutter. Hiding function to satisfy form is just bass ackwards.
A BS excuse for what?
It seems obvious to me that their intention was just as they had explained, to “remove clutterâ€.
Yet I take it you have some diabolical conspiracy theory about this?
Please, do share, as I’m a fan of crazy talk.
Thanks to Microsoft and their code contribution to Chromium. It is good Chrome will eventually work the way it should without the need for the Suspicious Site Reporter extension, which I currently use with Chrome Version 81.0.4044.69 (Official Build) beta (64-bit). I wonder if EdgeC will implement the same way as Chrome – perhaps EdgeC or Chrome will make it an option to show extensions on a seperate line so more or even all the URL will be easily visible.
A Google search today gave me this information:
“Open a new tab and type in chrome://flags/#omnibox-context-menu-show-full-urls in the address bar. Next to the highlighted Context menu show full URLs to Enabled click the dropdown box, and click on Enabled. Click on Relaunch. Open any website and right-click on the web address.”
This worked for me using Chrome Version 83.0.4103.24 (Official Build) beta (64-bit).
EdgeC Stable already shows the full URL by default and has not followed Chrome’s minimalistic tendencies.
Totally agree this is a welcome option that should never have been made necessary in the first place – these days it’s doubly important to see the real full URL when you’re browsing.
Why the hell did they hide it and now provide an option to show it again? Isn’t it time-wasting?
Yes indeed a really nice option to get (back). And thanks to Martin from for explaining how to activate it.
But I think Google stays a ferry peculiar kind of firm. Why skip version 82?
Yes, there is a corvid-19 epidemic but why skip the number?
When you’re counting from zero to a particular number you have to take/hold air in, once and a while, and when you do Google says now to me “you also skip counting the number who then is on top?”
To speak not in the belated Uderzo (25 April 1927- 24 march 2020) words: “Grazy people those Google people they just look like Romans!”
The version number skipping stood out to me as well.
Google has a rapid release schedule. Whereas, version number has been a traditionally a tool for quality control, these days quality control aspects are much more substituted or skewed with interests of the product or service’s marketing. In the case of software version numbering, the marketing idea is that higher numbers will be perceived as more advanced, and that products brought to market with rapidly increasing version numbers would be perceived as rapidly advancing themselves.
They don’t hide this away in about:config at least, so this is good. Visible menu options are always better for the grand majority of users out there.
For now, you have to enable the experimental flag to display the context menu option. Remains to be seen if it will be implemented without that requirement eventually, or not.
Was this contribution made by the Edge Chromium devs?