Microsoft releases Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 16237

Microsoft has pushed out another build of its upcoming Windows 10 Fall Creators Update feature update to the Windows 10 Insider Fast Ring channel.
Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 16237 brings new features to Microsoft Edge, the default browser of Windows 10, and improvements to Windows Shell, Input, gaming, Task Manager, Hyper-V, and a truckload of other fixes and changes.
The new version is already available through Windows Update.
Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 16237
Microsoft Edge
Work on Microsoft Edge continues in this build. Microsoft added a read aloud feature to Microsoft Edge that allows you to use the text to speech functionality on websites or when PDFs are open in the browser.
The functionality supports word and line highlighting for easier process tracking.
Other improvements include a new animation for adding favorites to the browser. This indicates where those favorites can be accessed from, something that may not be clear right away in current versions of the browser.
If you use Share functionality in Microsoft Edge, you will notice that the user interface of Share matches the Edge theme if a different theme is used in the browser.
Windows Shell improvements
Microsoft fixed a long standing issue that affected Windows users who dock/undock or remote from a device with a high DPI display. Most desktop apps become blurry when this happens, and the two core reasons for that to happen are that apps don't respond to DPI change notifications, and that Windows keeps the display scaling/DPI data that it reports to apps until users log out and back in again.
While the newest build does not fix the issue entirely, it does offer a partial solution. Instead of having to sign out and in again, it is now sufficient to restart the application that is blurry.
There are some caveats however.
Some things to note: this won’t work for all desktop apps (and doesn’t apply to UWP apps). Also, this only helps apps that become blurry after a change to the display scale factor of the main/primary display. This change, unfortunately, doesn’t improve apps that are blurry on secondary displays when in “extend†display mode. Please give this change a try and let us know if you hit any bugs.
The Win32 MessageBox is natively per-monitor DPI aware as well now in this build.
Action Center and notifications were improved as well in this build. One change that may make things easier for users who use the Action Center is that the first notification of each group of notifications is expanded automatically now. This allows you to react quickly to it without having to expand it first.
Input Improvements
A lot of work went into improving various input related tools and features. Users who like Emoji may like that the Emoji Panel supports emoji 5.0 now.
Another useful option is the ability to hover over any emoji to get its Unicode character name. If you don't know what an emoji means, you can use this new method to find out about that.
The touch keyboard and the handwriting panel were updated in this build as well. Mostly with fixes for issues that users may have ran into in previous builds.
I suggest you check out the linked blog post by Microsoft to find out about those changes.
Other changes
The build features fixes for issues for the most part, for instance the new "virtual machine gallery" under Hyper-V quick create. It is not functional yet though which means that you will have to wait for future builds to add the functionality.
As always, make sure you read through the list of known issues before you start upgrading a machine to the latest Insider version.
Now You: Now that the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update is near feature complete, what is your take on the new version?

Imagine General Motors or Boeing coming out with new models every 6 months. That is similar to what M$ are doing with Win 10, ie coming out with new Versions every 6 months.
Of course, GM and Boeing would like to come out with new models every 6 months in order to make more money but problem is, there would not be enough buyers since most new car and aircraft buyers use them for at least 5 years.
……. So, GM and Boeing usually come out with new models about every 2 to 4 years.
Similarly, to make more $$$$, M$ are coming out with new Versions of Win 10 every 6 months and forcing corporate buyers of Win 10 Ent Volume Licensing(= M$’s cash cows) to pay more, ie no more allowing them to use Win 10 Ent VL for about 10 years unless they buy the super-expensive Win 10 Ent E5 VL or lease/subscribe.
……. Presently, buyers of Win 7/8.1 Ent VL could use them for about 10 years, ie until EOL in 2020/2023, before they need to upgrade.
With this new business model, M$ are “forced” to come out with new Versions of Win 10 every 6 months whether the new features are needed or not, as long as the new features are different from the earlier Version.
Imagine if GM and Boeing could force consumers to buy new cars and aircrafts every 6 months, eg through Federal regulations/legislation = more profits.
……. Eg in super-regulated and nationalistic Japan, no cars more than 5 years old are allowed on the road, purportedly for safety reasons. So, many such “old” cars in Japan are recond and then exported cheaply to the 3rd World. New models of Honda, Toyota, Nissan, etc cars are usually flying off the showrooms in Japan.
P S – Corporations who paid M$ less upfront money to lease Win 7/8.1 Ent VL through 3-year Enterprise Agreements and forced Software Assurance/Insurance(= entitles “free” upgrades) are not much affected by M$’s new business model. In fact, most of them should already be upgraded to leased or subscribed Win 10 Ent VL.
You really post for each new Insider Preview now an article? Why?
The be honest NONE of their changes in last 10 insider preview builds were interesting. Instead of adding emote BULLSHIT (sorry for such words) MS should focus on their own mess. They promised to solve their configuration menu mess, still one 1 year later nothing, we get half cooked stuff, it’s confusing having two control panels (personally I prefer the classic one).
Instead of constantly adding new features MS should deal with the critics and finish one of their features first before they re-think about something else.
Their S Version is a joke. It’s again same like old days now, 10 different versions and only one which is really useful in daily environment. WHY OH WHY we need another 20 years until MS provide ONE setup.exe which would be modular like Linux to choose BEFORE YOUR INSTALL what you want and which version you want to install (similar via ei.cfg just via GUI). I still can’t believe all this I mean it would fix so many criticism but they still not gonna listen. Even MS Visual Studio works now like this. Theoretically this just need an new setup since every component is already (or mostly) modular because you can add or remove packages via install_wim_tweak.
Imho their changes aren’t really worth to update each time. I totally get that MS said ‘as service’ but their features should be totally tested and completed before they gonna roll out new things.
I think MS is 20 years behind when it comes to ‘features’ / setup and an environment which everyone could work without any problems.
Sorry for been a bit rude here but I see nothing or less changes with every insider build and I get angry why it’s so slow.
“Sorry for been a bit rude here but I see nothing or less changes with every insider build and I get angry why it’s so slow.”
It’s not you that’s being rude, CHEF-KOCK ! It’s Nadella and his senior staff who are being totally bloody obnoxious by forcing more and more rubbish “features” into Win 10. It seems that they cannot be arsed about fixing the existing security / configuration / user control problems. It is absolutely unnecessary to release so many “Creators” updates and Insiders previews.
I could write a lot more about this stupidity. However, so many ghacks posters have already made their feelings known in very strong terms I’d just be repeating their caustic comments.
Here’s the link to the Win 10 S hack story:
I agree with Jack Smith that MS should concentrate on proper security and leave the “fancy fripperies until that’s done
“Word was opened with administrative privileges through Windows’ Task Manager, ” So a hacker hacked there own Windows S machine? Not sure how portable that hack is.
MS needs to freeze all new features and focus on making Windows secure. This has just gone on too long. Their new Windows S which was to compete with Chromebooks and focus on being secure was hacked remotely in minutes and fully taken over in less than 3 hours.
Edge was hacked at will at Pawned this year. Penetrated over and over again with little slowing down the hacker. In the allotted time Chrome was unhackable.
This is just ridiculous and MS need to stop creating incredibly insecure software.
Windows has thousands of undisclosed vulnerabilities and since governments have the source code for windows, it will be kept vulnerable so the nsa, cia or whatever agencies can easily get into your windows computer. Will be hard for them to do that if everyone went Linux.
“MS needs to freeze all new features and focus on making Windows secure.”
I wholeheartedly believe that MS is under orders from the US government to keep Windows unsecured for its American and European victims… um customers. Evidence of this is the Chinese version of Windows (AKA Windows Red for OEMs and Windows 10 China Government Edition for Communist agents). No telemetry, SMB, OneDrive, an option for custom encryption instead of Microsoft’s weak algorithms, complete management of features and updates (like Windows 7 Enterprise used to have). People should ask MS why they claimed none of this could be done and yet they’ve done it within one year for the Chinese Communist regime which backs North Korea!