Opera Software sale not happening, sort of

According to a report on Reuters, the sale of Opera Software to a Chinese consortium is not going to happen. The deal, approved by company boards and shareholders alike, failed to win regulatory approval by July 15.
The takeover bid of $1.24 billion US Dollars for all Opera Software assets by a Chinese consortium that includes Qihoo 360 and Kunlun would move huge amounts of data to China.
The deal fell through over user privacy concerns according to a Kunlun spokeswoman. She stated that approval of the deal could delay the acquisition by six to twelve months, and that both parties agreed that it would be better to broker a different deal instead.
Apparently, what US regulators had the most problems with was that advertising businesses and its data. Users of Opera browser product might have a different opinion on that though.
Opera Software and the Chinese consortium hope that the new deal will receive approval fast.
Opera Consumer Business sale
The deal? Opera Software sells its consumer business to the Chinese consortium but retains control of the company's advertising business.
Consumer business first and foremost is the Opera web browser for the desktop and mobile devices. The deal does include other Opera applications for the consumer market, for instance Opera Max, a compression app that promises to reduce data traffic when enabled.
While not mentioned explicitly, it could also include the main Opera Software domain opera.com as it acts as the main download and information hub for Opera browser products and other software.
Both parties involved believe that the new deal has a better chance of going through quickly. The deal would turn Opera Software into an advertising company.
It is unclear at this point in time whether the deal would include a change of name. It seems highly unlikely that investors would spend a lot of money on Opera's browser business and apps if it would include a name change as it is a strong brand.
Update: Deal includes Opera name according to Engadget.
Opera shareholders and the Chinese investors are disappointed that the original deal fell through. Opera Software's shares fell to a seven month low after the announcement was made.
The new deal awaits regulatory approval at the time of writing.
The failed deal does not change anything from a consumer perspective as it still means that Opera's browser and apps business will be controlled by Chinese firms if the new deal is approved.
Now You: Would an acquisition change your view of Opera?

@Mike “It makes them understandably cautious about a company with a less than sterling reputation buying up a product they use daily”
Dude you took this too personal so there is no point on feeding you even more also this doesn’t contribute to the discussion.
Keep on using Microsoft, Apple, Adobe, Google, government spy agencies, they all spy on you but your only threat is China.
Racist, bigot and slander for sure.
@Mike: “Sadly, the companies that make up this consortium (namely QiHoo 360) have a spotty (at best) record as it pertains to user’s privacy and security.”
Microsoft, Google, Apple, Adobe, Government spy agencies, internet providers, any software you install on computer or mobile etc. etc. all of these SPY on you!
Talking about bigotry, witch hunt and uneducated people…..
Of course, I have never denied this. Privacy on the web is virtually impossible. The thing I don’t like about the Opera sale is less selling to Chinese companies and more selling to QiHoo. QiHoo’s track record is terrible on privacy and security. If Google, Microsoft or Firefox has similar track records, I would have the exact same reluctance. If Opera was being sold to reputable Chinese companies with a strong history, I would have zero issues with it. As it stands, it is being sold to one of the sketchiest large tech companies in Asia.
Whatever. It’s pointless debating with you because you believe anyone who doesn’t trip over themselves with excitement over the thought of QiHoo owning Opera is racist. As for proof, seriously Google or Bing or DuckDuckGo the words “QiHoo” and “fraud” and you will get numerous links to articles as recently as 2015 where they were found to be cheating on anti-virus tests, selling user data without permission, etc. Are they exclusive to this problem? Of course not, plenty of US and EU companies do the exact same thing and probably never get caught like QiHoo has. But two wrongs don’t make a right and it is perfectly reasonable to be concerned about a company with the reputation that QiHoo has earned, buying up a browser that people use. That’s doesn’t make them racist or bigots. It makes them understandably cautious about a company with a less than sterling reputation buying up a product they use daily.
“it is being sold to one of the sketchiest large tech companies in Asia.”
I see where you’re coming from, no data but word of mouth, slander and bigotry hiding behind racism.
You should stop using the computer because all your private (no private anymore) is going back to US’ spy agencies.
And stop using any electronic gadget because they contain PLA’s viruses.
As well as you should stop wearing clothes because is all manufactured by PLA’s affiliated factories whose money goes to finance the Chinese imperialist agenda LOL
I fee very sorry about uneducated people.
I do not understand some of the comments. What matters who owns it capital is capital… They are in it to make money not to protect your rights… So it is OK to use every piece of equipment produced in China with cheap labor but it is not when a company owned by a Chinese consortium decides to buy a software company…
Anyways I switched to Vivaldi/Firefox not because of the company or the CEO but because I like them better….
Because some people are bigot and uneducated so they hate China just because some others said so, they don’t use their own brain.
Chinese investors can save Opera from falling definitely, BUT if there is any American investor they are welcome as long as they got money, but it seems not!
Since when the Chinese bid fell Opera shares lost a lot.
Think how sad are the shares holders, they might want the deal to go ahead because they are NOT bigot nor racist so they look at the business side!
Have a good rest sad people.
What makes you think the reactions would be better if it was an American or Russian or British or Turkish or any other buyer? Maybe you’re the one who just loves shouting “racist”?
Anyway, Opera was the last great European browser, so here’s an excuse for calling me bigot because I like supporting software that’s made on my continent.
Not in this case. If it was a reputable Chinese company buying Opera, I would have no issues with this move. Sadly, the companies that make up this consortium (namely QiHoo 360) have a spotty (at best) record as it pertains to user’s privacy and security.
Also, you have absolutely zero proof that US regulators pulled the plug on this deal due to racism or bigotry. It’s very possible that there were terms in the initial deal that raised alarm. Yes, I know all about the US’s own spotty privacy track record (spotty at best).
Opera Software is a Norwegian company. Why would U.S. regulators have any say in the deal?
I wish the new owners will improve Opera and it doesn’t matter if they are American or Chinese.
I just installed it and had the first problems, go check the Opera 40.0 on this blog.
Opera is not good anymore like it was.
I liked it mostly because Opera was one of the few Chromium-based browsers that did really well on lower powered devices. Opera on some of the lower end Windows devices was much better than Chrome regarding how much CPU and RAM usage it hogged and the Opera Mini browser was good for really cheap Android phones and/or people with super limited data plans.
That said, while Opera appears to be headed down the sink hole, I am intrigued by what Vivaldi and Brave are doing on the desktop side of things.
As an Opera user I am a bit bummed by this news, but it is not shocking either. I had really enjoyed using Opera, it provided the speed of Chrome, while also being much less of a RAM and CPU hog. Opera was especially good on lower end hardware. Guess I will be uninstalling Opera from all of my computers and deleting my account. The fact that US regulators, who usually treat companies with kid gloves, had concerns regarding this sale and considering the companies buying Opera and their sketchy history….yeah, best to dump Opera.
My view of Opera has already changed since company switch to webkit/blink/pickaname from Presto; with all these new “innovating” features it feels like they’re focusing on gathering browsing data and selling to advertisers and don’t care about community at all.
Everything is going to China…
OK, I never used Opera anyway
The associations between free and voluntary associations/people should be no business of the state.
Next they will want to bring back “opposite sex only” marriage associations.
One more reason not to use Opera.
They really want to sell to China, don’t they..?
It may as well be that Chinese really wan to buy. They got big money and they use it, in all areas of economy. I find it tough i.e. to consider that famous French vineyards, including “Grands Crus” (fine wines) now belong to Chinese.
Remains what besides financial patriotism? Perhaps Big Helmsman rather than Big Brother? I’m totally neutral when it comes to being spied on, no good spies only bad.
“Apparently, what US regulators had the most problems with was that advertising businesses and its data”
Why do US regulators get any say? I thought both companies involved were not US based?
>Why do US regulators get any say? I thought both companies involved were not US based?
I don’t understand this either.
I had exactly the same wondering in mind …still have!
When I first heard this a few months back, I tried out a few replacement (Chrome based) browsers, as Opera is my default, and has been for some time. I like the fact it was not American, or from an Asian company. Will I change? Possibly, but will I be happy…doubt it.
Would an acquisition change your view of Opera? : Of course, Yes.
Apparently, it’s just a matter of time.
Such an important software as a browser under the control of a Chinese company change things.
On desktop I’m not really worried because the offer is large, I will go back to Firefox.
But on the mobile side this is more problematic as I’m not aware of a decent replacement of Opera mini.
Try out Vivaldibrowser :) The spiritual successor of Opera.
For the desktop, that’s an excellent choice; however, for low-powered mobile devices, which is what Opera Mini is for, there is no alternative.
Yes but there’s no Vivaldi Mini. In my Android phone I use 250 MB monthly with Opera Mini. In the future not even 5 GB will suffice…
Yes it would. Opera is browser embeded on the most of smart tv in our homes.