Ransomware Removal Kit

Ransomware Removal Kit is a collection of anti-ransomware programs designed to be used by security professionals and system administrators.
Ransomware takes files or the entire computer hostage and pressures the user or administrator of the device into paying a ransom to regain access to files or the system.
Most security experts suggest that ransoms are not paid, as there is no guarantee that an unlock code will be provided and because it encourages further investments into attacks and code improvements.
The suggested course of actions usually involves quarantining the affected system, creating a backup image of the data, identifying the ransomware used in the attack, and eliminating the threat if removal tools are available.
Ransomware Removal Kit
Ransomware Removal Kit helps with the removal of ransomware. Download the 270 Megabyte archive to the local system and extract it afterwards.
Tools and information are sorted into folders, and it is usually the case that you find one or multiple informational files in each folder, and a software archive containing the ransomware removal program.
Resources are provided as HTML files which you can load in any web browser. They have been saved from websites across the web and provide information about the particular ransomware type the program can remove from the system.
It is a bit unfortunate that the programs are provided as zip archives, as you will have to extract them individually in each subfolder before you can make use of them. A program like Extract Now may be of service as it can parse a directory and all its sub-folders for archives to extract them all at once.
The Ransomware Removal Kit may help you indirectly in the identification of the ransomware used in an attack as the included resources may reveal screenshots and other characteristics about it.
Still, it may be better to use a service like ID Ransomware instead which supports more than 50 different types of ransomware currently. All you need to do is upload the ransom note and/or an encrypted file to have it identified by the service provided that the ransomware is in the service's database.
The resource files may also provide removal instructions which you need to follow.
Closing Words
Ransomware Removal Kit is a collection of resources and programs designed to remove certain types of ransomware. While it is certainly possible to create a similar collection manually, using the kit as a general starting point for your own collection may be a good idea.
All in all, a resource you may want to keep an eye on, especially if you are asked frequently or even regularly to remove ransomware from computer systems.
You can check out our anti-ransomware software overview for a list of security programs designed to block ransomware attacks.

As a matter of fact I just come here to fill some spare time and have fun. ConfigFox have beeing having PLENTY of excellent reviews and positive feedbacks all over the internet and I don’t need your criticism on my project. You are the ONLY – thats it, THE ONLY ONE – who complained about ConfigFox. If you are so master good pro++ why don’t you do a better project then?
Dude, just accept that you were misconcept about prefs.js and user.js until I showed you why prefs.js have to be edited.
But you won’t. instead you keep hiding your ignorance behind your skeptcism regarding ‘security’. Go home boy. get mature and get humble. Accept that you are not absolute and your comments are not absolute.
What are you? A PHD in criticism and commenting? go home.
Leandro Azevedo, I’m going to reply to you this one time, in order to urge you to seek professional help and treatment. You seem to think I have wrought some great injustice and wrong against you, for what was basically my non-endorsement of ConfigFox and an at times passionate/heated debate about it here at ghacks. Whilst I haven’t given a thought to you or ConfigFox since, it seems to consume you, eating you out from the inside out. I thought you were passionate about privacy and anonymity – and yet here you are, acting the fool, trying to dox me – big deal, my real name and the nickname pants will lead nowhere else. All you have done is make me decide to actually stick my real name on the ghacks user.js. I’m proud of it, so might as well. As for you, now everyone can see your true colors. I really do hope you get some help, but won’t waste any more time thinking about you.
Yeah right. Whatever you say buddy. I wouldn’t dare say otherwise.
So what? sue me!
Pants (simon mainley) can decrypt any password with telepathy. even if it as 512bit encription. pants is the best
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the coward Leandro Azevedo, author of ConfigFox, who over half a year after it launched, can still not believe my criticism of it (constructive criticism I might add) and has fallen to petty vindictiveness by posting my supposedly real name – which he only got because I was kind enough to indulge Martin in the early stages of ConfigFox. Let it be known that not only is Leandro untrustworthy, but also a coward and a hypocrite.
Go ahead – google that name, try and associate it with anything else I have done on the web or with any other nicknames/accounts I use. I do not re-use handles. Good luck with that. And now that you have used up your one and only tool to try and annoy me, was it worth it, Leandro? Was it worth it to let people know just what you are?
My download was only 270MB not 500MB+
You are right, but it is listed as a 500 Megabyte file on the site itself.
Thanks. Downloaded for stormy days.
My download was only 270MB not 500+MB
Is this new or like same with the old one?
What do you mean?
Hmm i have this exact same kit since last years , I think it was featured on your site before but maybe I am mistaken could have seen it on some other site. Never mind this could have some new tools updated although the size and filename is the same…