DuckDuckGoog combines Google Search with DuckDuckGo's !bang syntax

DuckDuckGo is my search engine of choice. One of its coolest features is the !bang syntax that helps you in the following way: if you can't find appropriate results on DuckDuckGo, or want to search a specific site or service, then you can use so called !bangs to do that right from the search engine.
Type firefox !ghacks and you are automatically redirected to the Firefox results listing here on Ghacks. Type Macbook Pro !a to be taken to's results for Macbook Pro. You get how it works, right?
You can use the bang syntax for a lot of different sites and services, including download portals, blogs, shopping sites, programming sites and research sites.
DuckDuckGoog is a new search engine that combines the benefits of Google Search with DuckDuckGo's !bang syntax. When you run a classic search on the site you will be presented with encrypted Google search results just as if you were searching on Google directly. The search engine basically redirects to the Google Search results listing for the term that you have entered.
And when you are not satisfied with the results, or want to search a different site, you can use DuckDuckGo's !bang syntax to do so. Search results open in the same browser tab which can be a issue for some, as you need to use the back button to get back to the DuckDuckGoog search interface, or load it from your bookmarks instead.
The only benefit over searching on DuckDuckGo directly is that you save !g when you type in the search query since you can redirect any search directly to Google on DuckDuckGo as well if you append !g to the query.
DuckDuckGoog may raise awareness for the excellent search engine which would obviously be a good thing. The creator of the search engine frontend has even created a page that explains how you can make it your default browser search engine.
In Ref to UhtredJuly 19, 2012 at 11:17 pm#
DuckDuckGo is great, only downside is I might type a little more without the as you type suggestions feature of google search
(Editors Note: MY thoughts below.
DDG is End User Friendly because it does make you imput variation.
You actually end up searching & being more end user specific.
Means your search may also be as stated below,
One of the problems that Google has created is the drop down box when we are searching,
It serves Google not the End User,
How you may ask?
Well, I will try to keep this short,
Google Now sells advertising,
And so now when you search,
If we (Google) point you at the same as everyone else who is looking for say limo hire
by the use of the dropdown box suggesting Limo Hire, Limo Hire Melbourne, so on and so forth.
Then because your lazy you will realize that if you click just LIMO HIRE it will be broad & then
if you Click LIMO HIRE MELBOURNE at least you will get someone who operates a limo in Melbourne.
& Your first thought might be Oh that makes it easy,
Points you all at ONE MAIN PAGE, call it a piece of REAL ESTATE if you like,
And what this means is:
1/ means that as Advertiser’s we fight each other in a bidding war through Google Adwords etc.
2/ The End User is pushed to a page that where the advertisers who pay the most win.
3/ The End User’s search result has led to a page that has a mix of the top paying advertisers even in the ORGANIC results,
I know i can hear you shouting that they can’t do that, they can’t manipulate the organics oh no..
Well sorry to burst your bubble, they do.
4/ Leads to a page that may not have the most relevant content.
5/ Small businesses suffer and fall by the wayside.
6/ mono ply
But alas!
What if when you did the search, the drop down box was not there, would you tend to think, and then maybe type in,
So forth etc and so on,
There are endless KEYWORD STRINGs that maybe typed by you the end user and as such it is up to
Us (the Advertiser) to define which are suitable.
The END USER may also get there in the 5 clicks that Google profoundly gurgles on about.
From where i am sitting,
As baby www grows up to be WWW he needs to be Context Aware & correctly Indexed accordinly to function as a whole.
To expect Google or any one else to get it right the first time may take a while.
Considering it could be down to the nut behind the wheel.
See even in our industry LIMO HIRE and LIMO SERVICE are actually perceived by some to be two different things,
Limo Hire is obvious, on the other hand limo service could be, the familys car goes in for it’s annual tune up and service.
In Summary;
Advertising on the www is a mess for some. (Some, being usually the small business operator)
One thing for sure is that upon initial Content presented Online for consumers,
It should reflect Good Content with integrity & consistancy, assured at every oportunity thereafter.
Because the DUST HAS NOT SETTLED IN WWW LAND as of yet.
We have no real laws defining any of this stuff that goes on.
We have too many chiefs and not enough indians, oh no that can’t be right.
This just goes on and on and on and on and on and on
Now your for it, Your bedrooms a mess.
Some one will have to tidy up, hopefully soon,
The one thing we all have in common at this point in time of history is the Big G
Global Financial Crisis & G……
My next job will be writing my memoirs.
Thanks for reading it passes the time.
I would be very careful about trusting DuckDuckGo’s search results. I’ll give you a very personal example.
I have a non-commercial site where I share my knowledge and experiences of London. I went aboard HMS Ocean (the RN’s biggest ship) recently for their open day. If you search for ‘hms ocean open day” on Google my article is the first result, while in Bing it is the third. It doesn’t appear *anywhere* in DuckDuckGo search results. While they might be good at indexing large sites, you’re very likely to miss out on interesting material on smaller sites that DuckDuckGo simply doesn’t care to index properly…
Pete you can contact the site operators to provide them with tips and issues. This is different from the way Google or Microsoft are handling their search engine. I’d just contact them and explain the issue, maybe they can do something about it.
NIce find, thank you Martin!
Too bad they use a self signed cert for their SSL connection. I hope that changes in the future.
I tried DuckDuckGo in the past but it is clearly directed to English results. It is better than Bing and/or Google with many advantages.
Me gusto.
DuckDuckGo is great, only downside is I might type a little more without the as you type suggestions feature of google search.
DuckDuckGo does offer you a settings option to tweak interface e.g. size, colours etc, and with option to open results in new tab.
^ Jocko Ranjit, shut the hell up who do you think you are have you heard of google you dumbfuck? If so go and google for duckduckgoog…
you stupid bastard how about posting a link to duckduckgoog!
Hey, look at the beginning of the fourth paragraph….
very interesting! i think i’ll have to give it a try!