Firefox: Skip Addon Compatibility Check and What's New Page

Martin Brinkmann
Jul 9, 2012
Updated • Nov 20, 2012
Firefox, Firefox add-ons

I'm running several Firefox versions on my computer. First the Firefox Aurora version that I use most of the time, then a Firefox Nightly version to check up on new developments in the browser when they are first introduced, and then a stable version for testing purposes as well. If you ever switched between different versions of Firefox in the same browsing session, you may have noticed two thing. First, the add-on compatibility check window may appear that is checking all of the installed extensions to make sure they are compatible with the version of the browser that you are just starting up.

firefox compatibility check

Depending on how many add-ons you have installed in the browser, you may see that screen for a few seconds or minutes. And while you can click on cancel to stop the compatibility check, you'd still have to wait until the operation is canceled before you can start using the browser again.

The second issue is the What's New page. Everytime you switch versions, you get to see a What's New Page in the browser. Actually, when I was switching to Nightly, the Nightly What's New Page was displayed in a new tab in the browser. When switching to Aurora or Stable, a What's New page was not displayed (all the time). Still, there is not really a reason for displaying that page after you have seen it once.

The Firefox add-on Skip Addon Compatibility Check takes care of both issues that Firefox users may experience. It disables the add-on compatibility check automatically and without your doing right after you have installed the extension. Since it does not require a restart, it works right out of the box.

The What's New Page needs to be disabled in the extension's options first. Enter about:addons in the browser's url bar and hit the return key. Locate the Skip Addon Compatibility Check extension in the listing there and click on the options button next to it. Locate Show the What's new page on switching between different versions of Firefox and select no there to block the page from being displayed in the Mozilla Firefox web browser.

All in all a useful add-on for Firefox users who regularly switch between different versions of the browser on a computer system.


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  1. Anonymous said on March 26, 2013 at 5:48 pm

    it doesn’t work. Useless addon

  2. Roman ShaRP said on July 10, 2012 at 2:28 pm

    Thanks. That compatibility check often annoys me, and, IMHO, didn’t do anything good in years.

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