Upload Progress Displays Firefox Uploads

Some websites and services that allow file uploads do not display a progress bar which leaves you guessing how long it takes before the until completes on the site.
It is not the most user friendly thing to do, especially if files are larger than a few Megabytes on those sites. Imagine having to upload a 100 Megabyte file to a site without knowing how fast the upload speed is or how long it will take before the upload completes.
For all you know, it could be stuck and not complete at all but since the site in question is not displaying information about the progress, you never know for sure.
Some users may even leave the page if they think that the upload takes too long or will not complete at all.
Upload Progress is an add-on for the Firefox web browser that keeps tracks of uploads so that the progress of each upload is always visible in the browser.
This aids uploaders in determining the remaining time for the upload, something that would not be possible to find out otherwise on sites that don't reveal the information to users.

It displays the website or service the file is uploaded to, the upload speed, remaining time, and the data that has already been uploaded and remains to be uploaded.
These information can also be helpful on websites that do not show the upload speed or data that is left to upload, but only a percentage bar.
The Uploads window can be launched from the Tools menu after installation, much like the Downloads window can. The easiest way to access it in recent versions of Firefox is to hit the Alt-key and select Tools from the menu bar that opens up then.
It is however different from the downloads window as it removes uploads from its interface once they have been completed.
Still, Upload Progress can be a helpful add-on for users who have to work with sites or services that do not show enough information about uploads in progress.
The add-on UploadProgress is compatible with all recent versions of the browser. It is available for download on the official Firefox add-ons repository.

This add-on is no longer available.
Has anyone found an alternative?
Thank you in advance.
A very handy add-on . Thanks Martin
There is another addon HttpFox which is very helpful for web developers. I am using that in my FF now and it can also capture full web traffic along with upload progress.
“It displays the website or service the full is uploaded to”. Is it file instead of full
Thanks, corrected.