The Weather According To Star Wars [Fun]

Martin Brinkmann
Dec 20, 2009
Updated • Feb 13, 2017

If you are one of the many people who have troubles understanding weather reports correctly, you may benefit from visualization of the current weather condition near you.

Tom Scott thought so as well and decided to add visualization to weather reports by linking the weather conditions to a planet in the Star Wars universe. Designed mostly for die hard Star Wars fans, it is open to anyone, even Treckies.

But the website can help you out even if you are one of the two people on earth who never watched a Star Wars movie before as it will display an image of the weather condition as well.

Update: The weather service is no longer available. According to the developer, because Yahoo restricted access to its weather API. The creator suggests that you try the official Star Wars application instead which offers similarly themed weather reports and five day forecasts.

The Weather According To Star Wars

The script that runs on Tom's website performs an automatic IP lookup of every connecting user, queries the Yahoo weather api to pull the weather condition of the location and displays an image of that weather condition alongside a few lines that point out the Star Wars planet with those weather conditions.

Now everyone who knows Star Wars would probably be able to tell the same thing by looking out of the window and thinking about a planet in the Star Wars universe that would match the weather condition. But an automated way is more comfortable and the bylines are excellent. Now I just have to find a Tauntaun to climb inside.

The biggest gripe that I have with the script is that you only get a couple of different planets. A degree of 0° Celsius for instance does not really justify that it is linked to the Hoth planet, while -20° might. You only get a couple of different planets and the temperature range is just too wide because of that.

It would be nice if the developer would reduce the temperature range to five degrees or even less than that, and link each to a different planet in the Star Wars universe. There are thousands of known plants, so it should not be too hard to find matching ones.

The weather according to Star Wars is obviously something for geeks, to get a good laugh at and move on. It is not something that you should take too serious.

The Weather According To Star Wars [Fun]
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The Weather According To Star Wars [Fun]
The Weather According To Star Wars is a script that links weather report information to a planet in the fictional Star Wars universe.
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  1. CongoSpruce said on December 21, 2009 at 3:19 pm

    I just have to say how incredibly SAD this is. Not only that someone would think to do it for himself, but to go the steps of publishing it.
    It screams UBER-DORK!!
    Move out of your mom’s house and get a girlfriend. There are some really ugly fat girls out there that would take whatever they could get.

  2. Roman ShaRP said on December 21, 2009 at 3:14 pm

    Boring. Needs more variants.

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