Send MMS With The iPhone

Martin Brinkmann
Sep 16, 2008
Updated • Dec 1, 2012
Mobile Computing

The designers and developers of the Apple iPhone must somehow have missed the popularity of MMS, the Multimedia Messaging Service, which is basically a service to send multimedia messages to contacts. This is one of the criticisms that iPhone users and reviewers had when using and reviewing the iPhone. The iPhone is capable of sending SMS so why the exclusion of MMS in first place? This would make perfect sense considering that the iPhone could make use of the phone's inbuilt camera and the Internet as a picture source.

Flutter, a free application for the iPhone, adds MMS functionality to the iPhone. The application is available at the Apple iPhone store from where it can be downloaded and installed.

There are a few fundamental differences between the usual MMS service that cell phone providers offer and Flutter. On the positive side Flutter users can use the geotagging features of the iPhone and include those information in their message. That can be nice for sending holiday pictures where the recipient can look the location up on a map to know where the sender is currently located.

Unlike usual MMS services though the picture is not transferred directly. The recipient receives a link to the picture and the location on his iPhone which he has to open to view the information. That's not a huge problem but an option to display the picture instantly would have been nice.

Still, Flutter offers a free service. Everyone with an iPhone can use it to send as many picture messages as he wants to his contacts. That alone and the fact that there are no alternatives makes it an interesting application for the iPhone.


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  1. Chennai Shopping said on September 26, 2008 at 3:30 pm

    does anybody know about the cost of it?

  2. hiddenillusion said on September 17, 2008 at 3:41 pm

    SwirlyMMS was released for firmware 2.x …only thing is it’s requires $8 for a license and a jailbroken iPhone.

  3. Mike said on September 17, 2008 at 9:44 am

    Well basically that’s not a MMS. It’s a post card service.

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