High Quality Visual Styles, Wallpapers and Icons

Studio Twenty Eight is the homepage of designer Javier Ocasio who is offering his services and also some of his visual styles, wallpapers and icons on the site. Each category contains a list of free downloads. You naturally can't expect to find hundreds of different wallpapers, styles or icons on the website but you do find high quality downloads on that website. Some have been created in collaboration with other artists but most by Javier alone.
Most of the downloads link to Javier's page at Deviant Art where they can be downloaded. Wallpapers are usually available in different sizes. The visual styles can be downloaded in MS style or Windowblinds format. You do need a patched uxtheme.dll to use visual styles on your computer. I did explain the procedure in the article linked above and suggest you check it out if you plan on installing a new theme on your system. The icons are icon packs that can be simply downloaded and used. They are available for Windows and Mac.
Javier explains exactly how users can apply the new visual styles, wallpapers and icons to their system. He links to various free programs that make it easier to change the icons or visual themes. Javier is also offering skins on his website for various applications like Winamp to match the visual styles for the system.
It was funny to realize that Javier actually created the Thallos visual style that I'm using on my system currently. It's an amazing style and highly recommended.
Update: The website is currently being redesigned and Javier suggests to visit his Deviant Art profile in the meantime to look at and download his latest creations. There you find regularly updated wallpaper, icon and theme downloads. Check out the galleries first for a selection of wallpapers and designs that Javier has created over the years.
actually, i do like studio twenty eight designs. the aa (cryogenic in particular), the mac themes such as itunes and brushed panther are also very nice.
Yeah, I was really disappointed with the designs they had. I’ve been looking for something that can offer something different from my Zune XP theme (which is otherwise excellent), and that site didn’t offer any.
Does anyone know of any other visual style sites that have really good designs?
Frankly, Martin, “high quality downloads” at ‘Studio Twenty Eight’ ? I found nothing extraordinary there, basic designs, rather dull. I’m surprised, gHacks usually has a better taste!