Aviary Invites

Max was nice enough to send me an invite for the online application service Aviary, or more precisely the main website and the image editor application which are freely accessible after registration. Users can access their dashboard through the main interface which displays a list of featured images, collaborations and recent images alongside your latest activities.
Here you find additional links to upload images to Aviary, invite friends and launch the online applications that are enabled for your account. In my case only the image editor and a link to apply for an invite for the other applications. More about those later.
It's only possible to upload one image with a maximum size of 5 Megabytes at a time and add the usual information (tags, title, description, rights) to it. It takes some time before the image is available depending on your upload speed and the load of the service. Max told me that he experienced a slow down of the system while uploading which I did not.
The usual community functions are available. Users can comment on and rate images, download the images and participate in the forums.
Phoenix the Image Editor
The image editor loads rather slowly but offers a wide variety of functions. Users can load images from their profile or from their computer. I'm not that into image editing but the functions that I would be looking for are all there. I can resize images, add text, work with layers and add several effects to it.
Someone who is using Adobe Photoshop or GIMP could definitely compare it on a professional level. It's fine for the average user, that much I can say.
Images you work with are automatically saved and opened again when you open the image editor again.
Other applications
The list of applications, or tools how Aviary calls them, is impressive. A total of 18 tools is listed on their website including a music generator, vector editor, video editor and a desktop publishing layout generator.
Users can signup to receive initiations for those tools once the invitations become available.
Aviary Invites
I have five Aviary invites and want to share them with you. I prefer at least one user with experience in Photoshop or another image editor who would like to write a short comparison which would be surely interesting to read. I would publish that comparison here at Ghacks.
If you want an invite reply here in the comments. Please add if you have experience with another image editor and would like to write that short comparison. Thanks again Max for the invite, it was really nice to think of me.
Update: You no longer need an invite to sign up for Aviary.
I’ve been using photoshop for close to a year now, so an invite would be really appreciated.
Hi, I am a long time Photoshop user and am quite skilled with it, I’m curious to see if Aviary is up to the test and a have a few things in mind to try out to see how good it is to a top dollar program.
If someone have invite, I would love to get an invite.
I would love to get an invite, I have been working with the Gimp for about 2 years now; I stumbled upon this project and I definitely want to work with it.
Thanks in advance.
If you have invites would you send one please “Thank you”
Hi there,
If you still have invites to offer, would you send one my way please? I’ve been working with Photoshop for a good 8 years now, and I’d be happy to write a comparison of it and post it on my site (or yours, whatever you were thinking of). Thanks =)
I’m using adobe’s creative suite and i’m very interested in trying an online application like Aviary.
Thank you for the invite.
i’ve been using picnik. it’s good for small touchup. i’d like to check out aviary.
Wow. Just checked out their website and I’m itching for an invite! I am curious about PHOENIX (their image editor) and how it might compare to GIMP and Photoshop. And since I do plenty of video editing, I’d love to test drive STARLING as well.
I’d love an invite. Somewhat new with graphics software, but I’d like to give this a shot.
An invite would be amazing. I was a big Fireworks user. Then I switched to GIMP for basic stuff. A little photoshop mixed in.
I would love to have a invite. I been searching for a invite since I am a web designer/developer. I can give you a good idea about how good the product is compared to Adobe Photoshop.
I use all of adobe’s software. I have master collection cs3 and I would love to check this out.
I have used Picnik, and I like it a lot. However, I’m looking for something a little more powerful. Perhaps, Aviary will provide me with what I’m looking for.
Thank you for the invite!