WordPress 2.31 is available

A new version of the blogging plattform WordPress has been released today. It is an advised update for every webmaster especially for those with register_globals enabled. A security vulnerability was found that can be exploited if that setting is enabled.
The new version fixes more than 20 bugs and security vulnerabilities. Some of the most important fixes include tagging support for Windows Live Writer, a login fix for blogs that have different WordPress and Blog addresses, faster taxonomy database queries, that emailed posts can now be assigned to the author if the email uses a hyphen and link importer fixes.
I had no troubles overwriting the files of my WordPress installation to speed up the process. A suggestion would be to backup your blog before you start the process.
Update: WordPress 2.31 is not the latest version of the popular blogging software anymore. At the time of writing, it is WordPress 3.5. The WordPress developers are releasing new versions of the program regularly, and it is highly recommended to update the blog to the latest available version whenever it gets released.
To check your version of WordPress, click on the Dashboard > Updates link in the WordPress admin interface. Here you should see information whether you are running the latest version (You have the latest version of WordPress) or not. If an update is available, you get options to install it right away using the automatic update option that has been built into the blogging software, or to download the latest version from the official website instead. If you select the latter option, you need to manually update the blog by uploading the contents of the new version to your server and running the upgrade script on the site afterwards. The upgrade script checks if the database needs updating and handles that if that is the case.
Please keep your admonition to use Firefox to yourself. I don’t give a rip. I use three different browsers on occasions. I own two different brands of cars. I eat lost of cuisines. Firefox is fine. I don’t mind it. What I mind is people telling me that it is the best thing since sliced bread. It’s a browser, not the cure for cancer. If it is better, it will win. If it’s not, it will die. If you want to be an elitist, buy an Apple.
There. I feel better. Sorry to rant, but one gets a bit tired of the endless hype of everyday things, you know? No offense intended. ;o)