Widgetize you website with Yourminis
Have you ever wanted to improve your website by adding widgets that would provide some kind of interesting or important information about local weather, time, events, news or whatever else that might benefit your website without the need to write the code yourself or make a third-party script work on your own site?
Hundreds (so far) of more or less useful Flash-based widgets are freely available for your website on the Yourminis website. You can add these widgets to your own site by simply copying the embed code of each widget - no further editing is required. You only need some skills in Macromedia Flash if you decide to create new widgets on your own using Yourmini's API for Flash8 IDE.
More likely you'd want to try existing "minis" created by other people which are made available on the Yourminis website. These widgets often use some external services (Google, Veoh, Craigslist) to acquire and display desired information or media. You can also remix existing widgets to suit the needs of your site better.
You could add some widgets that display contents of news sources such as Digg or let your users watch the latest videos, embed games and other widgets. Check out some examples of what Yourminis offers below.
Update: The Yourminis service has been discontinued in 2008, to be price on October 27, 2008. The service recommended to its users to switch to the Netvibes start page on the Internet service which offers a similar experience. Back then, options to export the feeds to an OPML file were available which could then be imported to the Netvibes website. While that option is no longer available, the Netvibes website still is. You can create a free or paid account on the site to use it as your personalized start page on the Internet.
What you cannot do however is add the widgets to your own website anymore.