Epoq MP4 Wrist Watch

Martin Brinkmann
Jun 20, 2007
Updated • May 21, 2018
Mobile Computing

My immediate reaction to the Epoq MP4 wrist watch was that I thought that it was a really cool idea. I was not able to come up with a lot of applications for it but it looked really cool. The watch acts as a standard music and video player supporting formats such as mp3, wma and mp4.

Pictures can be viewed as well and anything can be uploaded or downloaded using a standard USB 2.0 port. The mp4 wrist watch comes with different storage capacities, the largest being 2 Gigabytes of space which should be enough for lots of videos in that resolution. There is also the option to choose a widescreen LCD display instead of a normal one.

The price range of this watch starts at about $100 and goes up to $200 for the premium models. This could actually be a very nice thing for cheaters in school. Which teacher would suspect that a watch has a screen for pictures or videos? It seems to be easy to switch between the normal watch display and the media display.

Take a look at this video:

Update: The original site the wrist watch was offered on is no longer available. It returns a 404 not found error when you try to open it. We therefore have removed the link from the article.

There are other stores on the Internet that still carry the Mp4 wrist watch. One of them is Gadget Craver which is offering the wrist watch starting at $51.95 currently. You can upgrade the watches memory from one Gigabyte to up to 8 Gigabytes for an additional $22, and add FM Radio or FM transmitter to it for $10 as well. As you can see, the price has dropped considerable in recent years, none the less thanks to memory becoming a lot cheaper in that time.

Update 2: Gadget Craver is no longer available as well.

Article Name
Epoq MP4 Wrist Watch
The Epoq MP4 wrist watch is still a watch at its core, but it is also a media player that you can watch videos on or listen to music.
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  1. CyreneQ said on July 2, 2008 at 12:57 am

    Got the watch, love it, BUT, does not keep time well!

    Does everything, but tell time. I would wear it more if it actually kept time well.

    Here’s my full review.

  2. Abayomi Adebanjo said on July 23, 2007 at 6:06 pm

    I am interested in wash tv on a wrist watch with MP3/MP4, etc.

    Please email the products catalog with price list, delivery via courier with discount on quantity to my email address mentioned above. ([email protected])

    Abayomi Adebanjo

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